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HELP! wav to mp3: LARGER FILE???

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  • omadawn

    • Jan 2006
    • 1

    HELP! wav to mp3: LARGER FILE???

    I was trying to convert a wav file (with voice conferencist only) to mp3 (lame vbr 48 kb/s), originaly recorded in a mini olympus digital audio recorder.
    the output file is larger than the original!!!...
    how is this possible?

  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: HELP! wav to mp3: LARGER FILE???

    What are the settings of your WAV file? That is, what is its frequency, channels, and bits? Is it a compressed WAV?


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44825

      Re: HELP! wav to mp3: LARGER FILE???

      Indeed, wave files can even contain mp3 audio...


      • ChristinaS
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2004
        • 4097

        Re: HELP! wav to mp3: LARGER FILE???

        LOL! That original wav file must be a compressed wav file (if it's voice it pretty much is sure to be compressed), so if you need to convert it to mp3 for any reason, make sure the settings are not higher than what the wav has originally, or it will result in a proportionaltey larger file (bitrate and channels influence that, not so much the frequency).


        • gameplaya15143
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Sep 2005
          • 276

          Re: HELP! wav to mp3: LARGER FILE???

          a voice recording... it was probably using gsm 6 or the truspeach codec (prolly spelled that wrong), both of those run around ~3kbps (that is a guess)... so yea, a 48kbps mp3 would be much bigger

          the lowest mp3 goes is 8kbps

