I have an installation of the trial software - all was well for the first couple of days, now however, regardless of the encription codec, when ripping it hangs just before it moves onto the second track. The first track is complete, it also has the correct tags but the app still say's it's converting and does not move to the next track.
I have uninstalled and re-installed, tried different codecs, cd's, tracks, with and without ripping to ram - all to no avail. (also I have noticed that on instertion of a cd, the correct track details are gathered from freedb, but none of my tracks are 'ticked' for ripping - I have to tick each box by hand - it may be related to the main problem - it may not).
Any ideas would be appreciated.
I have an installation of the trial software - all was well for the first couple of days, now however, regardless of the encription codec, when ripping it hangs just before it moves onto the second track. The first track is complete, it also has the correct tags but the app still say's it's converting and does not move to the next track.
I have uninstalled and re-installed, tried different codecs, cd's, tracks, with and without ripping to ram - all to no avail. (also I have noticed that on instertion of a cd, the correct track details are gathered from freedb, but none of my tracks are 'ticked' for ripping - I have to tick each box by hand - it may be related to the main problem - it may not).
Any ideas would be appreciated.