I've been testing dMC and like what I've seen. I've been converting to flac and tested about 20 cd's. All has worked very smoothly so far. I have a registered version of dMC 11.5. However, the playlists (m3u) files being created are all being named after the artist, not the album. Each playlist is stored in the correct album folder, so there isn't a conflict. But for an artist where I have many ripped cd's in separate folders, each playlist has the same name. It would be helpful to see the album name as the playlist title. I've also played a bit with Tag and Rename and it seems to default to naming name the playlist after the artist-album. I would prefer to have the playlist created while the disc is ripped and not have to use another program. I tried playing around with the playlist naming option in dMC, but all it seemed to do was change the location of the strored playlist, not the name of the list. Am I missing something?
Naming Playlists in dMC