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.ra > .mp3 = cut files

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  • simonjp

    • Jan 2006
    • 4

    .ra > .mp3 = cut files


    I've recently run into some problems using poweramp to convert .ra and .rm files to .mp3. I've been downloading and converting the files for a while and it has been working fine, but for some reason since I registered the program the 30-min .ra files I have been feeding it have been snipped at seemingly random lengths (9:16 for a 30min file, 36:59 for a 1hr file, etc.)

    Does anyone have any thoughts as to how I could solve this?

    Thanks for the help,

  • xoas
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2002
    • 2662

    Re: .ra > .mp3 = cut files

    Start by making sure you have Professional Frequency Conversion enabled. This is set in dMC Configuration (Start>All Programs>dBpowerAMP Music Converter>Configuration>dBpowerAMP Music Converter Configuration). Click on the Options tab and enable this option if it is not already enabled.

    I assume you have the Power Pack. Have you tried setting your conversion priority to Below Normal? This is done in the window that shows the progress of the file conversion. Setting the conversion priority to below normal should minimize drain on your operating system.

    Does this happen with all RealAudio files that you try or only with some?
    There are reports that some RealAudio files may convert only with the older RealAudio codec rather than with the DirectShow decoder (which is what I assume you are using).

    Will you consistently get the same results with any given file (e.g. RealAudio file A will always convert, file B will always cut off at 9:16, file C always cut off at 36:59)?

    Do you run into problems ONLY with RealAudio files (not with rips or conversions from other formats)?

    Trying to convert your RealAudio files to .wav (and then to .mp3) might help.

    Turning off DSP effects might help.

    I assume you get no error messages, that the original RealAudio files seem to play fine, and that if you try a test conversion (same as a regular conversion except that where you select mp3 as your output format you select "Test Conversion (No Write") the files will test convert OK. If you have not tried test converting some of the source files, I would encourage yoou to do so.

    These are some ideas.

    If you need further help, please send some details about the qualities (bits, frequency, channels, bitrate) of your RealAudio files, your designated settings for your mp3 files, what you have tried and what the results were.

    Best wishes,


    • simonjp

      • Jan 2006
      • 4

      Re: .ra > .mp3 = cut files

      Thanks for the guidence - I'll give these a go and I'll report back tomorrow!



      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Re: .ra > .mp3 = cut files

        If using the DirectShow method, try playing the file in Windows Media Player.


        • simonjp

          • Jan 2006
          • 4

          Re: .ra > .mp3 = cut files

          I'll go through the suggestions Bill and Spoon made in turn in the hope that this is the clearest way to spot my error.

          Bill: Professional Frequency Conversion is enabled. In case it's relevant, CRC errors are ignored.

          I do have the Power Pack, and the conversion priority doesn't seem to make a difference.

          The error is not constant - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It doesn't seem to make a difference which file I use. My aim is to listen to the radio on the tube! I download radio files and listen to them on my phone. The ra files are BBC Radio's "listen again" files from their website ( saved using Net Transport (

          I am using the DirectShow decoder with the Real Alternative codec. File responses vary- sometimes I'll get a 8:06 file, other times I'll get the full 30:00. There doesn't seem to be a pattern.

          Before I was converting to MP3 I had tried converting to AAC. These files sometimes caused my player (a sony ericsson K750i mobile phone) to display 'failed' on the screen and stop playing - if you start play again and skip that second they would then work fine. This got tiresome so I switched back to MP3. The MP3 conversion had never failed in dbpAMP trial mode, but only since I registered it.

          I tried converting other formats (wav and wma) to MP3 and have not had problems - mind you I've not had problems with ra since we spoke. Could the number of files in a queue cause this? In my tests since we spoke I've only ever queued 1 file at a time, whereas I usually queue 4 - 6.

          Converting to wav first worked fine - but then since we spoke, so have straight ra>mp3 conversions, too. I'm not sure what DSP effects are, so they're probably in their default state!

          I get no error messages and the original .ra files are 30mins long. Test conversions run fine, although they don't seem to create a 'converted' version for me to listen to to check. The progress bar runs at about 50x real time speed, and then it beeps to alert me that it's finished. I asked it to save to the root C:\ directory, but not file appeared.

          Spoon - I'm not quite sure what you mean when you say I should play the file in Windows Media Player. The .ra files play fine, and the .mp3 files play fine up to the length they lasted (eg 30mins or 2.03 mins). The clipped file is shown in WMP as being 2.03 mins long, and will play for 2.03 mins. It then stops.

          For the moment, it looks like if I run these conversions one by one and check each one, redoing as needed it should be ok, but is there something I'm overlooking?
          Thank you both for your help,



          • ChristinaS
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Apr 2004
            • 4097

            Re: .ra > .mp3 = cut files

            A test conversion does not write out an output file. It's only used to see if dMC can understand the original file and thus is able to convert it once an encoding codec is specified.

            The DSP effects are available in dMC by clicking on that button. You should see if any are engaged and then clear them.

            As has been said before (mostly by me :p from personal experience), not all real media files can be successfully converted using DirectShow (and Real Alternative). Some may require using the actual Real Media decoding codec (which requires Real Player to be isnatlled, and which does not cohabit with Real Alternative apaprently).

            Perhaps it depends on how the real media file was originally encoded: what audience it was for. Maybe if it was for multi audience you'd have some problems using the DirectShow codec. You will not know if it was multi audience unless you have Real Player installed and you look at the clip properties that way.

            Once DirectShow is installed with the real media filters, if it is meant to be able to convert a particular real media file, then you would also be able to play it in Windows Media Player.


            • simonjp

              • Jan 2006
              • 4

              Re: .ra > .mp3 = cut files

              Well, I'm not entirely sure what the problem was but it seems to have been solved now! Thank you all for your help - it is much appreciated!

