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How do Iget results?

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  • dbample
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Oct 2002
    • 69

    Re: How do Iget results?

    Originally posted by LimeyCliff
    I unistalled, then reinstalled the program and the results are exactly the same.
    I created an audio in the mp3 format with a size of 2739 kb. When I converted the file using the 64 kbps setting the file was 4871 kb.

    Could you please provide more detailed information about what you did. For example could you clarify if you did the above while logged-in as "administrator"? Also - "the program" - are you referring to dMC only? If yes, what about the other Illustrate components like CD writer and the Amp/MMC - did you uninstall them and then re-install them logged in as "administrator"?

    It would be helpful (since your problem is widespread and persistent) to just pick one file like the one above and report exactly what you did, every minute detail by every minute detail. Also, how did you create this mp3 file - is it from ripping a song from a CD? If not, what exactly did you do?


    • LtData
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • May 2004
      • 8288

      Re: How do Iget results?

      Cliff has already mentioned that he is an Administrator user on what I assume is his regular account.


      • dbample
        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

        • Oct 2002
        • 69

        Re: How do Iget results?

        Yes, I am aware of that.


        • LimeyCliff

          • Jan 2006
          • 24

          Re: How do Iget results?

          I created two files using Sound Capture which makes mp3 files, the files were from an audio tape. The file sizes of the mp3s were 3278 kb and 2883 kb but when converted they were much bigger even though I used the 56kbps setting and mp3(lame).


          • xoas
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Apr 2002
            • 2662

            Re: How do Iget results?

            OK. You start out with mp3 files recorded from audio tape using Sound Capture. You are converting them (with dBpowerAMP Music Converter-dMC) to mp3 at 64 kbs and these are larger than the original mp3 files.
            Here is what would help us understand this better:
            1. Put your mouse over one of the source mp3 files (recorded with Sound Capture), or right-click on one of then, select Properties, click on the ID Tag tab. Find information there about file extension, bits, frequency, channels, and bitrate.
            2. Convert this file to mp3 (lame) at 64 kbs and whatever other settings you use (or use an already converted version of the file you used in step 1), right-click, record the same information for this file as you did the file in step 1.
            3. Post this information here.

            I assume that this apparent quirk is occurring entirely outside of dB CD Writer. If this conversion file size issue occurs in CD Writer and NOT with dMC, please let us know.

            Best wishes,


            • ChristinaS
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Apr 2004
              • 4097

              Re: How do Iget results?

              Originally posted by Tigerman
              What is the frequency of the source file and what is the frequency of the output file?
              Maybe you can upload the source-file or a few screenshots, so they can see what you are trying to convert.
              It wouldn't be the frequency. The bitrate will make the difference as will the channels.

              He'd not have priviledges to upload anything here.

              The 56kbps will be referring to a dial-up modem quality, not an audio file bitrate. So probably the actual bitrate used by Sound Capture (don't know that program) was no more than 48kbps, which will mean the same duration of file at 64kbps will be at least 33% larger as a file size.

              Of course if VBR also comes into play then the file sizes are less predictable.

              Another possibility is joint stereo instead of 2-channel stereo. That occupies less space than 2-channel, but more than mono, to varying degrees, depending on the audio content.
              Last edited by ChristinaS; February 09, 2006, 05:11 AM.


              • LimeyCliff

                • Jan 2006
                • 24

                Re: How do Iget results?

                Originally Posted by Tigerman
                What is the frequency of the source file and what is the frequency of the output file?
                Maybe you can upload the source-file or a few screenshots, so they can see what you are trying to convert.

                I do not know what screen shots you would like to view.

                In answer to XOAS
                The source file information.
                The file ext is .mp3
                The Bits I cannot find. There is a Bitrate of128 Kbps
                Frequency is 44100
                Channels - 2 Sterio

                Converted file information.
                File ext is .mp3
                The Bits I cannot find. There is a Bitrate of130 Kbps
                Frequency 44100
                Channels 2 [joint sterio (midside)]


                • xoas
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Apr 2002
                  • 2662

                  Re: How do Iget results?

                  Bits might be labelled "Sample Size" (right between "Sample Rate" and "Bit Rate") in the PopUp Tag information you get with the mouse over. On right-click, Properties ID Tag, it will be labelled "Bits" and is located right under Frequency and Channels.

                  I should also have asked whether the bitrates (in both cases) are constant bitrate (or CBR), variable bitrate (vbr) or average bitrate (abr). This will be listed in the line on Encoder Settings.

                  Also, can you give us the file sizes for both this source file and your converted file, please.

                  Best wishes,


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44805

                    Re: How do Iget results?

                    Also, can you give us the file sizes for both this source file and your converted file, please.
                    and more importantly the Length in seconds.


                    • LimeyCliff

                      • Jan 2006
                      • 24

                      Re: How do Iget results?

                      I should also have asked whether the bitrates (in both cases) are constant bitrate (or CBR), variable bitrate (vbr) or average bitrate (abr). This will be listed in the line on Encoder Settings.

                      I am unable to find any of these.

                      I am also unable to find any reference to bits.
                      The original size is 3275 KB
                      The converted size is 3350 KB


                      • ChristinaS
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Apr 2004
                        • 4097

                        Re: How do Iget results?

                        All that is in the properties of the file. When you hover over the file name you should see all the pertinent information. Or by right-clicking the file name the properties should list all that. You can add columns to the display in Windows Explorer in View > Choose Details.

                        If you cannot get the hover to show the yellow pop-up window you may have not enabled it in dMC Configuration. If you still cannot get that to work you'll probably need to uninstall and reinstall everything.

                        Since the difference between original size and converted size is very small, it's probably the difference between one being CBR and the other being VBR or ABR, for essentially the same bitrate specified.

                        I don't think you get to see bits for mp3 files, I believe they are always 16-bit.
                        Last edited by ChristinaS; February 11, 2006, 06:25 AM.


                        • xoas
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Apr 2002
                          • 2662

                          Re: How do Iget results?

                          Track length (in seconds) as Spoon points is a significant variable also. Given that there is a (minor) difference in bitrates, it may be that this is the primary factor, although it probably comes about as a result of using a vbr (or possibly an abr) setting.

                          I do see bits displayed for mp3 files on my system (displayed as Sample Size in pop=up tag information), but I am running the r12 alpha2 demo (which has some advanced tagging features). But in this case, bits doesn't have any significance.

                          Cliff might want to look at similar comparisons for some of his other tracks with more significant differences in pre- and post-conversion file sizes. If these still seem perplexing to him he might want to post the pre- and post-conversion information (file size, playing time in seconds, channels, bitrates, frequency, and variable, average or constant bitrate (if he can find this)) here for further examination. If it would be simpler, he might post screenshots of the file tags for the pre- and post conversion files (for this he would need to right-click the files, select properties, and click on ID Tag).

                          If Cliff thinks this is no longer an issue for him, we still have his other issue (dCW not displaying a functional screen). But I think we should stick with this conversion problem until Cliff is satisfied with the results.

                          Best wishes,


                          • LtData
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • May 2004
                            • 8288

                            Re: How do Iget results?

                            I am running dMC r11.5 and do not see the bits on the "Edit Tag" of an mp3 file.


                            • xoas
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • Apr 2002
                              • 2662

                              Re: How do Iget results?

                              OK. Then it's fair to assume that Cliff can't see bits either (which as Christina has pointed out is not really at issue here anyway). But thanks for the clarification.

                              Best wishes,


                              • LimeyCliff

                                • Jan 2006
                                • 24

                                Re: How do Iget results?

                                How would I post a sceen file?


