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.ogg mystery crash during big batches

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    .ogg mystery crash during big batches

    Howdy, I've been using the File Selector to convert lots of files to .ogg all in a bunch. Often I will let it convert files while I am away from the PC, either at work or asleep. Every time I come back, I find that dbMC had crashed at some point, usually after 100 files or so. But when I convert lots of files in the background while I'm actively using the PC, there is no crash.

    This ONLY happens when converting to .ogg, as I have done the same thing with .mp3 and .wma in the past with no problems. So I'm wondering if there's some sort of memory leak involved with the .ogg codec or something.... I will still keep converting to .ogg because it's far superior to the rest (IMHO), but the crashes during big batches of conversions is confusing.

    I'm on Windows XP, 1ghz, 512MB RAM, plenty of HD space. I have tried setting the priority to various levels but I still get the crashes.


  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    One way to check for a memory leak - before converting press CTRL + ALT + DELETE - and bring up task manager take a note of 'Performance':

    Handles, Threads, Processes

    start the conversions and after 70 or so look at these, if they have increased by more than 50% then I would say there is a problem, also click on Processes, look for musicconverter.exe and look at its memory usage if there is a leak it will be in the 100's of MB

