Just downloaded a .wav file and converted it to FLAC, and everything seems fine, but then I tried to reconvert it back to a .wav file out of curiosity. Since this is lossless, I'm wondering if there will be any issues or differences if you convert lossless to another lossless format such as FLAC to .wav (well, apart from the obvious increase in size).
Along with that comes the compression... I'm not too familiar with lossless formats, but it seems that as the compression, as in the single-digit numbers ( not the percentages) in dBpowerAMP goes down, such as when converting to FLAC, the size increases. I'm just wondering... what difference does it make to have it lower? Aside from the increase in size, the quality should be the same, right?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Oops, I meant to post this in the dBpowerAMP Music Converter Support forum. Sorry about that.
Along with that comes the compression... I'm not too familiar with lossless formats, but it seems that as the compression, as in the single-digit numbers ( not the percentages) in dBpowerAMP goes down, such as when converting to FLAC, the size increases. I'm just wondering... what difference does it make to have it lower? Aside from the increase in size, the quality should be the same, right?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Oops, I meant to post this in the dBpowerAMP Music Converter Support forum. Sorry about that.