I would like to run the Lame encoder and Tag from Filename plugins as one automated action.
It can be done (slowly) using PowerPack's 'After Each Conversion Run...' command, but this is effectively the same as running dMC twice.
I still have to select the file(s) (only this time from a popup Explorer window generated by dMC), then select and confirm the Tag from Filename plugin manually.
I would like to do the lot with only two clicks - rightclick > Convert To.
I've tried:
moving [Tag from Filename].dll, and running it as a DSP Effect -
this just crashes dMC, citing 'lack of disk space?'... (I have plenty),
running the plugin as a command line switch from Powerpack -
After Each Conversion Run: "path\dBpowerAMP\MusicConverter.exe /path\dBpowerAMP\Compression\[Tag from Filename].dll"
which has no effect,
running the Add Tag Element DSP Effect, but this seems to interpret entered values as a simple text string, rather than code -
Entering "[artist]" or "[title]" (as per the plugin's syntax) changes the respective ID Tag fields of all converted files to
Artist: [artist]
Title: [title]
regardless of file name.
This should be be the easiest way to do it, but I've tried a few different commands, and nothing seems to achieve the same outcome as the plugin.
I've checked the help files too.
Any help would be greatly appreciated...
I would like to run the Lame encoder and Tag from Filename plugins as one automated action.
It can be done (slowly) using PowerPack's 'After Each Conversion Run...' command, but this is effectively the same as running dMC twice.
I still have to select the file(s) (only this time from a popup Explorer window generated by dMC), then select and confirm the Tag from Filename plugin manually.
I would like to do the lot with only two clicks - rightclick > Convert To.
I've tried:
moving [Tag from Filename].dll, and running it as a DSP Effect -
this just crashes dMC, citing 'lack of disk space?'... (I have plenty),
running the plugin as a command line switch from Powerpack -
After Each Conversion Run: "path\dBpowerAMP\MusicConverter.exe /path\dBpowerAMP\Compression\[Tag from Filename].dll"
which has no effect,
running the Add Tag Element DSP Effect, but this seems to interpret entered values as a simple text string, rather than code -
Entering "[artist]" or "[title]" (as per the plugin's syntax) changes the respective ID Tag fields of all converted files to
Artist: [artist]
Title: [title]
regardless of file name.
This should be be the easiest way to do it, but I've tried a few different commands, and nothing seems to achieve the same outcome as the plugin.
I've checked the help files too.
Any help would be greatly appreciated...