I hope that I’ve read all of the posts regarding converting RealPlayer files using dBpowerAMP, but, after trying a number of the suggestions, I’m still getting the error message, “The CODEC required to decompress ‘[filename]’ could not be opened. DirectShow filter for ‘.ram’ not installed . . .”
Here’s a list of what I’ve done:
1. Downloaded the latest version of dBpowerAMP (R11.5).
2. Went to Codec Central and downloaded the DirectShow Codec.
3. Went to “Configure DirectShow Decoder” on my computer and inserted the following, all on separate lines, in place of “.xyz”: .rpm, .rm, .ram, .rmvb
4. Went to “Configuration/dMC Configuration” and, under “Installed Decoders,” see the following to the right of “DirectShow Decoder”: “Release 1 .rpm; .rm; .ram; .rmvb”
5. Downloaded Real Alternative and accepted all of the default options, including the option for installing Media Player Classic.
6. Rebooted.
7. Opened dbPowerAmp, double-clicked on my .ram file, and attempted to convert to MP3 (Lame). Received the error message “The CODEC required to decompress '[filename]’ could not be opened. DirectShow filter for ‘.ram’ not installed, or Audio File Corrupt.”
8. Downloaded a second file to check whether the file was corrupt, with the same result.
9. Rebooted four times and tried again to convert. Same result.
10. As a last resort, Per ChristinaS’ direction on a previous post, changed the filename extension to “ra” (since it’s an audio file) and tried to convert. Same result.
Hoping that I haven’t been an idiot and missed something obvious . . . any suggestions are most welcome. Thanks a lot.
I hope that I’ve read all of the posts regarding converting RealPlayer files using dBpowerAMP, but, after trying a number of the suggestions, I’m still getting the error message, “The CODEC required to decompress ‘[filename]’ could not be opened. DirectShow filter for ‘.ram’ not installed . . .”
Here’s a list of what I’ve done:
1. Downloaded the latest version of dBpowerAMP (R11.5).
2. Went to Codec Central and downloaded the DirectShow Codec.
3. Went to “Configure DirectShow Decoder” on my computer and inserted the following, all on separate lines, in place of “.xyz”: .rpm, .rm, .ram, .rmvb
4. Went to “Configuration/dMC Configuration” and, under “Installed Decoders,” see the following to the right of “DirectShow Decoder”: “Release 1 .rpm; .rm; .ram; .rmvb”
5. Downloaded Real Alternative and accepted all of the default options, including the option for installing Media Player Classic.
6. Rebooted.
7. Opened dbPowerAmp, double-clicked on my .ram file, and attempted to convert to MP3 (Lame). Received the error message “The CODEC required to decompress '[filename]’ could not be opened. DirectShow filter for ‘.ram’ not installed, or Audio File Corrupt.”
8. Downloaded a second file to check whether the file was corrupt, with the same result.
9. Rebooted four times and tried again to convert. Same result.
10. As a last resort, Per ChristinaS’ direction on a previous post, changed the filename extension to “ra” (since it’s an audio file) and tried to convert. Same result.
Hoping that I haven’t been an idiot and missed something obvious . . . any suggestions are most welcome. Thanks a lot.