Every time I convert a track from a live album, the end winds up having this annoying repeating sound. I assume it's because the program is searching for a break in the music, but gets fooled. It's simple enough to load the track into Wavepad and chop it off, but is there anything that will stop this annoying repeating sound from showing up in the first place?
Annoying repeats at the end of live tracks that I convert
Tags: None
Re: Annoying repeats at the end of live tracks that I convert
Are you ripping from cd, recording through Auxilary Input, or converting from some other format?
What are you ripping, recording, encoding to (format, bits, bitrate, channels, frequency)?
Are you using any dsp effects from the Power Pack?
If you are converting from another format, what are the specifications (format, frequency, channels, bitrate, bits) of your source file?
If you rip/record/convert directly to wave do you still get the same problem?
Best wishes,
Bill -
I'm ripping from CDs. It doesn't seem to matter what program I use -- it happens with dBpowerAMP (release 5 ... I downloaded release 11 today to see if it might help) or iTunes. And it only happens on live albums and albums like Dark Side Of The Moon, where the music is continuous.
For what it's worth, I've been using the Lame encoder, constant bitrate, stereo channels, 44100 frequency and 192 Kbps. And I always go to mp3; I never do much with Wave.Comment
Re: Annoying repeats at the end of live tracks that I convert
Try to use Priority of Conversion below normal.
Also maybe slow ripping might help.Comment
Re: Annoying repeats at the end of live tracks that I convert
Originally posted by ChristinaSTry to use Priority of Conversion below normal.
Also maybe slow ripping might help.Comment
Re: Annoying repeats at the end of live tracks that I convert
Priority of Conversion is an option on the green window that appears during a conversion by dMC, that shows the progress of the conversion.
Slow Ripping and ripping speed are an options in dMC Audio CD Input - accessed through the big Option button.Comment
Re: Annoying repeats at the end of live tracks that I convert
You notice this little repeat section if you play a single of your rip[ped tracks (as opposed to occuring when you play two or more adjoining tracks back to back)?
Does this happen if you rip one track at a time or only if you rip multiple tracks at a time?
I would advise you to use the current dMC beta, if you are not already doing so. It does feature a number of fixes and it might help with your problem. You can find this in the beta section of the forum here:
A huge update for dMC, now is final release (out of beta), will be posted on main website in 1 weeks time, download: http://www.dbpoweramp.com/bin/dMC-r11.5.exe 2.1MB ================================================ Highlights: mp3 decoder huge update: freeform mp3 files, mp2+mp1 files, lame tag reading mp3 lame
If that does not help, notwithstanding your reluctance to deal with wave, could you rip one of these tracks to wave, report on whether you still have the same problem (and, if not, could you then rip the wave file to mp3 at your usual setting and see whether your mp3 file has the same problem)?
Best wishes,
I doesn't matter if I rip one track at a time or multiple tracks; in the latter case, it just means that I have more tracks with screwed-up endings.
I got the repeats even when I used the new beta program, and even when I ripped to Wave. As I said, not the biggest deal in the world, since I can trim the file to my liking in Wavepad. But it does pose an interesting thought problem, and if engaging in a little experimentation helps you all create a better product, I'm glad to help.
The file I've been using as my guinea pig is Green Day's "Chump." It's not a live track, but there is no musical break between it and the next song, which is what triggers the repeats.Comment
Re: Annoying repeats at the end of live tracks that I convert
Is this in fact one continuous track? One very large file?
How much ram do you have? What processor speed?
Are you using the "rip to ram" feature of the PowerPack?Comment
Re: Annoying repeats at the end of live tracks that I convert
I take it you are hearing this repeat if you play your ripped/converted Chump track by itself, not just when you play it back to back with the track that follows it?
What program(s) are you using for playback?
Is this problem apparent on the different players you might have (eg, WMP, WinAmp, dAP, iTunes-supposing they have a player)?
I haven't seen this problem with rips of live cd's or of the type of track that seems to segue seamlessly to the next track (such as Green Day's Holiday and Boulevard of Broken Dreams). But it is known that not all players support gapless playback and it is also known that mp3 inserts a slight gap at the end of each track (unless you use the Blade codec). However, your problem sounds different. I mention these just in case you have overlooked these issues.
I take it that this problem occurs only at the end of a track and never at the beginning of the next track. If you preview the track in Audio CD Input before converting, does this repeat show up there too?
Are you using any dsp effects with your rips/conversions? If so, which ones?
Thank you for your help in reporting this and helping us try to identify the sourcec of the problem.
Best wishes,
To address the previous two posts ....
1. Is this in fact one continuous track? One very large file?
No. I hate it when it's like that. I have a Husker Du CD where Side One is one track and Side Two is the second track, so I had to go to the trouble of carving out all the songs I like.
2. How much ram do you have? What processor speed?
320 MB of RAM and 547 MHz.
3. Are you using the "rip to ram" feature of the PowerPack?
I believe so.
4. I take it you are hearing this repeat if you play your ripped/converted Chump track by itself, not just when you play it back to back with the track that follows it?
iTunes will go ahead and skip the last couple of seconds of the song and move onto the next song in the queue, so I don't hear the repeats in that case. It's just when I play it by itself.
5. What program(s) are you using for playback?
Winamp, usually, along with iTunes.
6. I haven't seen this problem with rips of live cd's or of the type of track that seems to segue seamlessly to the next track (such as Green Day's Holiday and Boulevard of Broken Dreams). But it is known that not all players support gapless playback and it is also known that mp3 inserts a slight gap at the end of each track (unless you use the Blade codec). However, your problem sounds different. I mention these just in case you have overlooked these issues.
I haven't used Blade at all.
7. I take it that this problem occurs only at the end of a track and never at the beginning of the next track.
8. If you preview the track in Audio CD Input before converting, does this repeat show up there too?
Never thought about that before. Let me try it ... yes, it happens there, too.
9. Are you using any dsp effects with your rips/conversions? If so, which ones?
Re: Annoying repeats at the end of live tracks that I convert
Ok, so this is a gapless audio cd then? with a bunch of tracks with 0 second gaps in between?Comment
Re: Annoying repeats at the end of live tracks that I convert
Yeah, the track number changes, but the music is not interrupted.Comment