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Codecs don't work

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  • momditty

    • Aug 2005
    • 1

    Codecs don't work

    Used to have dBpower Amp Music Converter and everything worked fine. We had to do a recovery last week and lost it all. We are trying to get the converter to work again. I downloaded the Codecs we had before and now they don't work. It will say it's converting the track but when it's done it doesn't ask to be confirmed by clicking FINISHED, and when we check the track it's the same as before. What's wrong with this now and how do I fix it?
  • ChristinaS
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2004
    • 4097

    Re: Codecs don't work

    From what file type are you converting and to what file type?

    First of all the original file will not be replaced since the converted file will usually be of a different type, thus it will have a different extension. Second of all your output usually goes to the folder C:\converted music unless you change that. The most that can happen is that the original file may be deleted after the conversion (which you should not really enable, since you risk losing your original file in case the conversion didn't go well).

    In order to see the Finished button activated you have to configure dMC by clicking on the PowerPack rocket. The default at instalaltin is Skip finished message - so disable that and you'll have your button ready to be pressed.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44825

      Re: Codecs don't work

      Ripping a CD?


      • neilthecellist
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Dec 2004
        • 1288

        Re: Codecs don't work

        That doesn't mean "the codecs don't work". That just means that in the latest version of dMC, it doesn't leave the conversion window open at the end of the conversion of the music file(s). Just find where you set the destination folder to.

