How shall "Tag recognition" be defined in "dmc [tag from filename]" when path- and filename are:
'C:\music\Artist\Album\Artist - Album - Track# - Title'
The charachter string " - " is used as a separator, but the character '-' (without the leading & trailing blank)
can also be found within Artist, Album and title as well - ie:
C:\music\Britney Spears\...Baby One More Time\Britney Spears - ...Baby One More Time - 11 - E-Mail My Heart.m4a
'C:\music\Artist\Album\Artist - Album - Track# - Title'
The charachter string " - " is used as a separator, but the character '-' (without the leading & trailing blank)
can also be found within Artist, Album and title as well - ie:
C:\music\Britney Spears\...Baby One More Time\Britney Spears - ...Baby One More Time - 11 - E-Mail My Heart.m4a