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How can I join "lots" of files

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  • sliver

    • Sep 2004
    • 13

    How can I join "lots" of files

    I've gradually settled on dMC as my sole ripping software. Mostly I have been ripping "books on CD" so I can listen with my music player. Because of the limitations of CD players (without bookmarks), book CD's are divided into pauseless tracks to facilitate finding your place. Usually 25 per disc. The average book is 10-12 CD's although some are 30-40 cds.

    NOW I know how to rip all tracks as one file. However I have several dozen books with each CD in a subdirectory--so I have hundreds of 25 file subdirectories where I want to colapse the files into one on a per CD basis.

    The process is tedious. I now use musiCutter to do the joining, but each one has to be loaded and renamed, etc. Does anyone know of a program that can tackle the chore by "walking" a directory structure?

  • sliver

    • Sep 2004
    • 13

    Re: How can I join "lots" of files

    Wow, all this time struggling. I just discovered dMC file selector and it seems like just the ticket and part of my favorite program.

    Now is it possible to do a "no conversion" conversion however specifying "rip-as-one for the converted file.

    Is there a "null" converter and will the rip-as-one do the trick to combine the files in a directory? :smile2: :smile2: :smile2:


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44840

      Re: How can I join "lots" of files

      Not currently, but one is planned, but is quite a while off.

