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FLAC --> AAC (128KBps) & iPod Shuffle Problems

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  • EmuBite

    • Jul 2005
    • 1

    FLAC --> AAC (128KBps) & iPod Shuffle Problems


    First and foremost, thanks for a great product. I've had good success converting my FLAC collection to a variety of other formats using dbpowerAMP's dMC. Great work.

    I'm having problems playing converted AAC files (from FLAC source) on my iPod Shuffle. None of the songs that I've converted will play. I occasionally hear a second of sound, but then the music cuts out. I know the Shuffle is sensitive as to what types of AAC files it will play, but I converted my FLAC collection using dMC to standard 128KBps and the iTunes mp4 option (via iTunesEncode). The "Encoded with" iTunes tag field indicates: iTunes v4.9.0.17, QuickTime 7.02.

    FYI, I'm running the latest version of dMC, as well as iTunes and QuickTime 7.02 for WindowsXP. I should note that the converted AAC files play with no problems in iTunes itself. It's the iPod Shuffle that's having problems. If there is any additional information you need, please let me know.

    Has anyone else run into this problem? After I finish writing this, I'm going to try and rip some CDs using iTunes itself to see if that is the problem. If so, I'll report back.

    Thanks for any information you can supply. Again, congratulations on a great product. I plan on registering the Power Pack.

  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: FLAC --> AAC (128KBps) & iPod Shuffle Problems

    Have you tried just moving mp4 files over? IIRC, you cannot play normal AAC files on the iPods, the AAC files it plays is mp4 files in an AAC container. See the bottom codec here ( for what I am talking about.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44825

      Re: FLAC --> AAC (128KBps) & iPod Shuffle Problems

      >it plays is mp4 files in an AAC container

      other way around, aac files in a mp4 (or m4a) container.

