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dbpoweramp not working on second computer

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  • briddes

    • Jun 2005
    • 3

    dbpoweramp not working on second computer

    I installed dbpoweramp on one computer yesterday & it worked fine in a test run. I told a friend about it, how & what to install for converting ram to mp3. They told me it wasn't working so as a test I installed it on my other computer. It won't work on the second computer. I ran dmc configuration on both computers & checked to see what each has installed. They are the same. I even used the same ram file. The first computer converts it with no problems, the second one gives me the following error message "The CODEC required to decompress 'E:\My Documents\My Music\bravura.ram' could not be opened. DirectShow filter for '.ram' not installed, or Audio File Corrupt."
  • ChristinaS
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2004
    • 4097

    Re: dbpoweramp not working on second computer

    Do you have Real Player or Real Alternative on the second computer as well as teh real media codec? You need one of these programs in general in order to be able to use the real media codec.

    Some Real Media files also require the DirectShow codec and filter to be installed, in addition to the real media codec. That works in conjunction with Real Alternative and the download and installation of the DirectShow codec and setting up of the filter.

    But also, is the file an actual real media file or is it just the meta file (.ram is the extension for the meta file in general, and that is just a text file pointing to the actual real media file). You need to work with the actual real media file, which should have extension .rm or .ra - unless it was mis-named. In thsi case however it wouldn't have worked on either of the computers.
    Last edited by ChristinaS; June 05, 2005, 07:28 AM.


    • briddes

      • Jun 2005
      • 3

      Re: dbpoweramp not working on second computer

      Both computers have Real Player & Real Alternative. I installed the same things for dbpoweramp on both computers. dmc+r11.exe, dBpowerAMP-codec-DirectShowDecoder.exe, realalt138.exe, ac3filter_0_70b.exe & dbpoweramp-encoder-ra.exe. I tested the computers with the exact same file. One converts it to mp3 the other doesn't.
      The computers are almost identical except for cpu & dvd burner.
      The one that it is working on is an AMD XP 1800+ with a cd burner. The one it doesn't work on is an AMD XP 2400+ with a dvd burner.
      This is most complexing.


      • ChristinaS
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2004
        • 4097

        Re: dbpoweramp not working on second computer

        Licensed versions of dMC on both computers? mp3 conversion requires a regsistered copy of dMC.


        • briddes

          • Jun 2005
          • 3

          Re: dbpoweramp not working on second computer

          neither computer has a licensed version. The mp3 conversion is supposed to work for 30 days for testing. I had just found dbpoweramp & was testing it. I like to make sure that software does what it says it will do before I buy it.


          • ChristinaS
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Apr 2004
            • 4097

            Re: dbpoweramp not working on second computer

            Can you play the audio file on the computer where it won't convert it?

            Does a test conversion work? (select Test Convert, no write from the codec list in dMC)

            As I said, .ram is normally the extension of the meta file. Nothing converts a meta file. You need the actual .ra or .rm file to convert.

            How big is your .ram file?

