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Ripping Speed

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  • Spazz

    • May 2005
    • 14

    Ripping Speed

    I was ripping my CD's at almost 40X. Everything was going smoothly, but all of a sudden, my ripping speed on DMC dropped to below 15X.

    What is going on?

    Could anyone please help me?

  • ChristinaS
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2004
    • 4097

    Re: Ripping Speed

    Do you mean the setting from dMC Audio CD Input Options or the conversion speed?

    I keep the ripping speed at 4 and enable slow ripping. Don't know why, but it works for me fine, and I'm not eager to discover what the trade off might be for extra speed. Check to see what you have and change it if you want.

    The speed of conversion itself depends on the output format selected and any DSP effects you may be applying and you cannot control that.


    • Spazz

      • May 2005
      • 14

      Re: Ripping Speed

      This is what I don't understand. I was ripping anywhere between 30-40x at 320k MP3's. My real time encoding speed was around 17-19x.

      Now, all of a sudden, my ripping speed is 15x or lower and my real time encoding speed is 2-4x.

      I uninstall and reinstalled DMC, but its still the same thing.

      It doesn't makes sense.

      Any ideas?



      • ChristinaS
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2004
        • 4097

        Re: Ripping Speed

        What is checked in options for ripping speed?

        And in Powerpack? Rip to ram? That should maybe be faster?


        • Spazz

          • May 2005
          • 14

          Re: Ripping Speed

          Ripping speed is on MAX. Rip to ram is on. I have 2 gig of ram. Still no change.

          I don't understand the sudden decrease.


          • LtData
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • May 2004
            • 8288

            Re: Ripping Speed

            It sounds like your PowerPack expired. Also, if the PowerPack expired and you then installed the registered version, you need to re-enable "Rip to RAM" and "Rip & Convert" again, under the rocket icon in CD Input.


            • Spazz

              • May 2005
              • 14

              Re: Ripping Speed

              How do I get a new Powerpack? I don't understand the Powerpack being expired.



              • Spazz

                • May 2005
                • 14

                Re: Ripping Speed

                Forthemore, how do you know if the Powerpack expired or not? I have no problems paying this great bsoftware, but how can you tell? Where can I get a new Powerpack?



                • ChristinaS
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Apr 2004
                  • 4097

                  Re: Ripping Speed

                  Originally posted by Spazz
                  Forthemore, how do you know if the Powerpack expired or not? I have no problems paying this great bsoftware, but how can you tell? Where can I get a new Powerpack?

                  Powerpack is part and parcel or the registered version of dMC . If you have that you have Powerpack, including the license for using the mp3 encoder.

                  If you registered Powerpack in the apst, that is still good, you don't need a new registration.

                  When you got the trial version, you have all the functions of powerpack and mp3 encoder lciense for 30 days. Once that expires they stop, until you register dMC.


                  • Spazz

                    • May 2005
                    • 14

                    Re: Ripping Speed

                    It hasn't been 30 days and I can still encode MP3's at a much slower rate. I've been using DMC since yesterday and ripped about 80 CDs so far.

                    If I registered for Powerpack, do you think my problems with ripping will go away?

                    I don't understand the sudden drop in ripping speed. Nothing of my computer has changed.

                    I like DMC a lot because of the ripping speed. I am encoding my entire CD collections to MP3's.



                    • ChristinaS
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Apr 2004
                      • 4097

                      Re: Ripping Speed

                      But what is the setting you have for that in dMC Audio CD Input > Options > Ripping speed ? And also when you click on the rocket for PowerPack - does it say rip to ram?

                      EDIT: Sorry didn't notice you answered befoe.

                      Is priority of conversion above normal, normal or below normal? Below normal actually ends up being faster.
                      Last edited by ChristinaS; May 24, 2005, 05:04 AM.


                      • Spazz

                        • May 2005
                        • 14

                        Re: Ripping Speed

                        Somehow my drives got dropped from DMA.

                        Here is the solutions:

                        Go to Device Manager >

                        Expand the tree for DVD/CD ROM Drives >

                        Find the drive in question, right click it and go to Properties >

                        Under the Driver tab, select Uninstall then OK.

                        Now reboot and Windows should detect and reinstall the drive.

                        If this doesn't help try the same steps as above except expand the tree for IDE ATA/ATA Controllers and uninstall either the Primary or Secondary controller depending on which one the drive in question is attatched to.


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44840

                          Re: Ripping Speed

                          Covered here:

                          If windows gets a read error once form one CD then it drops the speed, which is silly.


                          • Spazz

                            • May 2005
                            • 14

                            Re: Ripping Speed

                            Can DMC tell you that an error has occur when reading a CD?



                            • LtData
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • May 2004
                              • 8288

                              Re: Ripping Speed

                              No, you will have to look in the Event Viewer (Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> Event Viewer then System. Look for "cdrom" errors.)

                              Also, you do not necessarily need to reboot to reinstall the IDE controller. Just click Action --> "Scan for hardware changes" and it should detect and reinstall your IDE controller and the corresponding drive.

