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dbPowerAMP, A Memory Hog

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  • WKMahler

    • Sep 2004
    • 4

    dbPowerAMP, A Memory Hog

    Unlike 2 or 3 years ago, the recent release of the converter is a memory hog.

    I used to be able to run nearly a dozen converters, .wav to mp3 at once. Now, I only run 1. I've been watching a 25 song set in .ape taking nearly 1/2 hour now. All conversions take more time now and overall the converter is a memory hog. In easy to understand terms, what can I do to lighten this swiss army knife up?


  • adaywayne
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2004
    • 383

    Re: dbPowerAMP, A Memory Hog

    Originally posted by WKMahler
    Unlike 2 or 3 years ago, the recent release of the converter is a memory hog.

    I used to be able to run nearly a dozen converters, .wav to mp3 at once. Now, I only run 1. I've been watching a 25 song set in .ape taking nearly 1/2 hour now. All conversions take more time now and overall the converter is a memory hog. In easy to understand terms, what can I do to lighten this swiss army knife up?


    What OS are you running (now compared to then), what is your CPU speed,
    and how much RAM do you have?


    • LtData
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • May 2004
      • 8288

      Re: dbPowerAMP, A Memory Hog

      You have to realize that ape conversions take more CPU to convert, and that dMC has to make these files WAV files before it converts them. Also, a different OS will change the RAM taken up. Lastly, running more than one instance of dMC isn't advised. Use File Selector for multiple files or just do them one folder at a time.


      • neilthecellist
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Dec 2004
        • 1288

        Re: dbPowerAMP, A Memory Hog

        From what I learned at school, WinXP takes up the most memory, am I right?


        • ChristinaS
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Apr 2004
          • 4097

          Re: dbPowerAMP, A Memory Hog

          Use Priority Below Normal during the conversion.


          • neilthecellist
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Dec 2004
            • 1288

            Re: dbPowerAMP, A Memory Hog

            What about Low? I always use Low if I'm doing other things.


            • ChristinaS
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Apr 2004
              • 4097

              Re: dbPowerAMP, A Memory Hog

              Originally posted by neilthecellist
              What about Low? I always use Low if I'm doing other things.
              The main thing is to use below normal or lower. A lot of people think that Above normal will speed up things when in fact the opposite happens especially if they have other programs running (which most everybody has: anti-virus, browser, etc).


              • WKMahler

                • Sep 2004
                • 4

                Re: dbPowerAMP, A Memory Hog

                Originally posted by adaywayne
                What OS are you running (now compared to then), what is your CPU speed,
                and how much RAM do you have?
                A couple of years ago, it was Windows ME on the very same computer I use now. Since then, I'm using WinXP Home Edition with service pack 2, 512 mb of ram. I learned not to go higher than that regarding memory (ram) along time ago.

                Thanks for the info about .ape conversion.

                When I used to run up to 10 converters at once, it was for 10 different artist(s) entirely at a time etc. Still fast and I could even chat via IRC. Not now though.

                I'm just wondering,

                Why is it that dbPowerAMP/Illustrate has not gone commercial yet and most notably, when the RIAA etc were going nutters about MP3, how did this company manage to survive?

                A user till the end.



                • LtData
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • May 2004
                  • 8288

                  Re: dbPowerAMP, A Memory Hog

                  Gone commercial? What exactly do you mean by that? And the RIAA going nuts about mp3s? They were going nuts about illegal TRADING of mp3s. Blaming ripping software that rips CD for piracy of songs is like blaming a computer manufacturer for their computer being used by hackers.

                  As for the quip about RAM: Win9x (95, 98, ME) systems did have trouble with over 512MB of RAM, but NT-based Windows Systems (NT, 2000, XP, 2003) can address over 512MB of RAM. I personally know people who run their systems with 1GB or even 2GB of memory.
                  Also, your computer being slow may also be attributed to dMC better managing itself and finishing quicker, albeit at the expense of some immediate speed. Try adjusting your priority down to "Below Normal" as this gives best results for concurrent usage of the computer and still fast conversions. This setting is also the best result when ripping CDs.
                  And before, as I mentioned earlier, you were converting uncompressed WAV files. APE files require more CPU usage to decompress.
                  Also, your computer being "slow" could just be the CPU being heavily used.


                  • neilthecellist
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Dec 2004
                    • 1288

                    Re: dbPowerAMP, A Memory Hog

                    Originally posted by LtData
                    Blaming ripping software that rips CD for piracy of songs is like blaming a computer manufacturer for their computer being used by hackers.
                    LOL! :lol: When converting APE files, CPU Priority level should ALWAYS be set to below normal or lower.


                    • WKMahler

                      • Sep 2004
                      • 4

                      Re: dbPowerAMP, A Memory Hog

                      Originally posted by LtData
                      Gone commercial? What exactly do you mean by that? And the RIAA going nuts about mp3s? They were going nuts about illegal TRADING of mp3s. Blaming ripping software that rips CD for piracy of songs is like blaming a computer manufacturer for their computer being used by hackers.

                      As for the quip about RAM: Win9x (95, 98, ME) systems did have trouble with over 512MB of RAM, but NT-based Windows Systems (NT, 2000, XP, 2003) can address over 512MB of RAM. I personally know people who run their systems with 1GB or even 2GB of memory.
                      Also, your computer being slow may also be attributed to dMC better managing itself and finishing quicker, albeit at the expense of some immediate speed. Try adjusting your priority down to "Below Normal" as this gives best results for concurrent usage of the computer and still fast conversions. This setting is also the best result when ripping CDs.
                      And before, as I mentioned earlier, you were converting uncompressed WAV files. APE files require more CPU usage to decompress.
                      Also, your computer being "slow" could just be the CPU being heavily used.

                      Lt. Data,

                      By commercial, I meant that it is not for sale online or in store with or without the player and cd writer. By far, this is a great program. I had read that when MP3 was increasing in popularity, around the time that Napster was being put together for the first time, the RIAA was making much ado about the advent of MP3, the ease of creation (encoder-decoders were fairly new then) and the worry was the loss of the CD format. Back then, the average CD writer didn't support MP3 vastly.

                      I have a 22 song folder, all in .shn and only 1 track in .shn would not convert. Would you like a shot at it?

                      I keep seeing the potential for greatness if the dBpowerAMP and all the goods were combined with, and as well as and a few others out there, all on the same page, multiple owners of a diversified business with one main page.



                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44842

                        Re: dbPowerAMP, A Memory Hog

                        How much memory is it taking up?

                        When converting to mp3 most of the time is compressing the mp3 file, various mp3 settings (some alt presets) are very slow - you cannot get any faster with any software (using lame).

                        Going from ape >> mp3 does not create a temporary wave file unless DSP effects are being used.


                        • neilthecellist
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Dec 2004
                          • 1288

                          Re: dbPowerAMP, A Memory Hog

                          how do u tell how muhc memory is being used?


                          • LtData
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • May 2004
                            • 8288

                            Re: dbPowerAMP, A Memory Hog

                            You can check memory usage in Task Manager under the Process tab.


                            • neilthecellist
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • Dec 2004
                              • 1288

                              Re: dbPowerAMP, A Memory Hog

                              Oh right....(I knew that!)

