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flac to mp3 conversion problems

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  • domi

    • Mar 2005
    • 7

    flac to mp3 conversion problems

    I collect music in mp3 192 format. When I download flac files I collect them in a separate flac directory and from time to time I convert them with the Music Converter. I used it for a while without any problems so I decided to buy it and I did. After a while I experienced problems. I got "Errors while converting" messages like "The codec required to decompress "path" could not be opened". Nevertheless, my files were converted apparently flawlessly, so I did not pay much attention, I decided to live with it as a minor glitch. From yesterday, however, when I select a couple of files to convert, I get the following message: "Support for the audio type '.' might be obtained at 'Codec central'. Visit it now ....?" If I select yes, an empty browser page pops up and nothing happens. If I select no, simply nothing happens. So I have to convert each file one by one, still get the former error message but get good mp3 files, and some files cannot be converted at all, irrespective of their actual size. I redownloaded the whole software but the problem remained. Since I do exactly what I did before, I do not know what's wrong. Any help would be appreciated.


    P.S. After reading some similar threads I add that I use a Windows XP Professional operating system.
    Last edited by domi; March 31, 2005, 07:47 PM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44824

    Re: flac to mp3 conversion problems

    You are converting flac? how are you selecting the files? (in explorer >> right click >> convert to)?


    • astrocramp

      • Mar 2005
      • 2

      Re: flac to mp3 conversion problems

      I am also having some trouble converting flac to mp3. It seems to take too long for conversion. I have about 4000 flac files (I recently ripped my entire collection to flac) that i now want to convert to mp3, and each track is taking about 4-5 minutes to convert to 256 mp3 (AMD XP2400+, 512MB RAM, VIA KT333).

      I manually tested my setup by performing each individual operation (convert flac to wav with dbpoweramp, then convert wav to mp3 with command line lame) it only takes a total of about 25-30 seconds for each track.

      Since I have so many tracks to convert this will be a problem. Otherwise, the s/w is great!

      Any advice?



      • astrocramp

        • Mar 2005
        • 2

        Re: flac to mp3 conversion problems

        OK I solved my own problem. Turns out that I had "Very High" selected for the quality setting, even though I was using constant bit rate. I selected "no preset", and when I looked at that screen it defauled to "constant bit rate".

        I guess the software was trying a variable bit rate with 256CBR? Not sure what it was doing but it was running 16-20x slower than it is now.


        • domi

          • Mar 2005
          • 7

          Re: flac to mp3 conversion problems

          Originally posted by Spoon
          You are converting flac? how are you selecting the files? (in explorer >> right click >> convert to)?
          I use dMC File selector, click on the folder, the hole list of all the files in the folder rolls down, all files marked with the proper red symbol. As I said, I transfer all my flac files to a separate folder for conversion. After conversion I distribute the mp3 files to various other folders arranged in alphabetical order.

          I tried to select several files instead of all (say 5 files instead of twenty). Sometimes it works, sometimes not, irrespective of the total size of the files.

          Now I tried with about 5 giga and it seems like working, I do not get the messages I got last time. I come back with the final result tomorrow, it takes now more than three hours to convert all the files.

          Last edited by domi; April 03, 2005, 03:03 PM. Reason: To add another point


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44824

            Re: flac to mp3 conversion problems

            If you are converting from flac only click the 'Converting' button and uncheck everything except flac, then try.


            • fredjm31

              • Aug 2006
              • 3

              Re: flac to mp3 conversion problems

              Today, I have exactly the same problem with WMA to MP3 conversion : I get a message "support ... may be obtained at Codec Central", and I can't get the conversion to start.

              I tried the above solution (select "Convert from" : WMA type only), it does not work.

              Any help would be appreciated and would make me buy DB PowerAmp.

              Thank you for advance.


              • LtData
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • May 2004
                • 8288

                Re: flac to mp3 conversion problems

                Did you download and install the WMA codec, both the dMC and System portion? Was it WMA 9 or WMA 9.1?


                • fredjm31

                  • Aug 2006
                  • 3

                  Re: flac to mp3 conversion problems

                  I downloaded and installed dBpowerAMP-codec-wmav91.exe.

                  I don't know what you mean by "System portion", but :
                  - I have Windows Media Player 10
                  - In Device manager / Audio Game Video Controllers / Audio Codecs, I have a Codec named "Windows Media Audio Codec" version 4.02.
                  - I can read successfully my WMA files

                  I have WMA 9.1 files.

                  I converted once successfully my files to MP3 192 kb/s with DB PowerAmp (trial version). Now, it works no more. Why ?

                  I was decided to buy DB PowerAmp before I encountered this problem.

                  Thanks for advance.


                  • LtData
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • May 2004
                    • 8288

                    Re: flac to mp3 conversion problems

                    Has your trial expired? If so, you can no longer convert to mp3 using the built-in LAME encoder. Check dMC Configuration to see if your trial has expired (Start --> Programs --> dBpowerAMP Music Converter --> Configuration --> dMC Configuration).


                    • fredjm31

                      • Aug 2006
                      • 3

                      Re: flac to mp3 conversion problems

                      Mmmm. I admit it had. I am now registered and it works fine.

                      You should print a message more clear than "... visit ... for support".

                      I swear I would have registered anyway.

                      Thank you for all.


                      • LtData
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • May 2004
                        • 8288

                        Re: flac to mp3 conversion problems

                        I seem to remember a pop-up saying "Your Trial has expired, PowerPack and mp3 encoding functionality is disabled" when I launched Audio CD Input after the trial expired.

                        But anyway, I'm glad the problem was as simple as the trial expiring.

