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Right-click ineffective for wav and MP3 files

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  • stibi

    • Feb 2004
    • 29

    Right-click ineffective for wav and MP3 files

    My Operating System is Windows XP Home Edition. My rm, flac, ape, and mpc files are associated with dBpowerAMP, and all other music files are associated with Windows Media Player 10. My Power Pack&MP3 Licence is registered. When I right-click on a rm, flac, ape or mpc file and then choose the "Convert To" option, there appears the dBpowerAMP Music Conveter window, which enables me to convert any such file. However, when I right click on any WAV or MP3 file and choose the "Convert To" option, nothing happens. Hence, wav and MP3 files I can convert only by using the dBpowerAMP Music Conveter. I have uninstalled the said converter (and removed it from the register), and then installed it again, however it didn't help. I should add that I didn't remove and re-install the codeces, since, as mentioned above, my problem is only with WAV and MP3 files. I have tried to associate the WAV and MP3 files with Winamp, but it didn't help either.
    Please help me to solve those problems. Thanks in advance.
    Yehuda Stein
    Last edited by stibi; March 22, 2005, 05:33 PM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: Right-click ineffective for wav and MP3 files

    Normally running 'dMC Configuration' puts that convert to back.

    Try rebooting your PC.


    • stibi

      • Feb 2004
      • 29

      Re: Right-click ineffective for wav and MP3 files

      To Spoon : Thanks, however, runinng dMC configuration and rebooting
      my PC didn't solve the problem.



      • ChristinaS
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2004
        • 4097

        Re: Right-click ineffective for wav and MP3 files

        If I understand correctly your problem is that you have the "Convert To" on right click for .mp3 and .wav files but dMC does not open up in that case, while it does for all other media types. You have no problem converting .mp3 and .wav files if you open dMC by itself and browse to the location of your files. Is this the problem?


        • stibi

          • Feb 2004
          • 29

          Re: Right-click ineffective for wav and MP3 files

          To CristinaS : Thanks. You are right. That is my problem



          • ChristinaS
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Apr 2004
            • 4097

            Re: Right-click ineffective for wav and MP3 files

            Unfortunately I don't have a solution. There must be something conflicting there. Do you have any other third party players or programs that just may interfere? I wouldn't even know what to look for, as I've not run into this problem.

            Just as a thought. In Windwos Explorer > Tools > Folder Options > File Types look at .wav and .mp3 and also at antoher type which works and check the advanced infromaiton for them. Maybe you'll glimpse something.

            I have .wav and .mp3 associated with Windows Media Player and this works just fine. Real media is associated with Real Player and this works too. Stranger file formats (.shn, .ape) are associated with dAP. All can be converted with no problem by right-click convert.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44840

              Re: Right-click ineffective for wav and MP3 files

              Apparently there are 'other converters' that can lock out dbpoweramps Convert To, I haven't looked into if they are doing it on purpose...


              • ChristinaS
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Apr 2004
                • 4097

                Re: Right-click ineffective for wav and MP3 files

                Originally posted by Spoon
                Apparently there are 'other converters' that can lock out dbpoweramps Convert To, I haven't looked into if they are doing it on purpose...
                Then it would be a case of a converter used to convert strictly to and from mp3 and wav. This may narrow it down some.


                • kimmchii

                  • Mar 2005
                  • 22

                  Re: Right-click ineffective for wav and MP3 files

                  Originally posted by stibi
                  However, when I right click on any WAV or MP3 file and choose the "Convert To" option, nothing happens.
                  Yehuda Stein
                  i'd say it is due to context menu conflict.
                  here is how i troubleshoot menu conflict:
                  you need to get ShellExView v1.11 - Shell Extensions Manager from here:

                  after you run it, click on "Type" so that it sorts by type, you only need to look at "context menu" items, right click and disable 2 items at a time, and then right click on mp3 files and choose "Convert To", until you find the culprit.


                  • stibi

                    • Feb 2004
                    • 29

                    Re: Right-click ineffective for wav and MP3 files

                    Hallelujah ! Thanks to you, kimmchii, the problems have been sold. The "culprits" were two Windows Media Player Launchers : WMP Add To Playlist Launcher and WMP Burn Audio CD Launcher. Neither of them is something I need to have in the Context Menu, so I left them disabled.

                    Since you were so helpful, perhaps you can help me to cure the following series of problems I encountered only since a few hours ago with the dBpowerAMP's Audio Player : (1) When I double-click on it, it doesn't show the player on the Desktop. I see the Player' Icon and its name down on the Taskbar, however when I click or double-click on it (on the Taskbar) I see only,for les than a second, something jumping up and back to the taskbar. By right-clicking on it on the taskbar I can only close it. (2) When I double-click in the Explorer of any file which I associated with dBpoweAMP Player, it doesn't play. (3) I configured dBpowerAMP File Type Associations so that it should be the default player of ra, rm, ram and MPC files only. Notwithstanding, from time to time I see that the icons on the desktop (and elsewhere) of MP3 and other music files changed to the icon of dBpoweramp; and when I check the "File Association" of the dBpowerAMP shows that all the files are associated with it.
                    Thanks in advance ; stibor


                    • neilthecellist
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Dec 2004
                      • 1288

                      Re: Right-click ineffective for wav and MP3 files

                      Originally posted by kimmchii
                      i'd say it is due to context menu conflict.
                      here is how i troubleshoot menu conflict:
                      you need to get ShellExView v1.11 - Shell Extensions Manager from here:

                      after you run it, click on "Type" so that it sorts by type, you only need to look at "context menu" items, right click and disable 2 items at a time, and then right click on mp3 files and choose "Convert To", until you find the culprit.

                      Kimmchii, the program sounds great and I'm gonna try it tonight. xie xie ni. (chinese for "Thank you")


                      • kimmchii

                        • Mar 2005
                        • 22

                        Re: Right-click ineffective for wav and MP3 files

                        you're welcome. (bu xie) :smile:

                        The "culprits" were two Windows Media Player Launchers : WMP Add To Playlist Launcher and WMP Burn Audio CD Launcher.
                        are you sure? this is weird, i also have those 2 items as they're WMP's default menu items but they dont cause any problem, my default player for mp3 is foobar and for wav is WMP, probably default player makes a difference.

                        (1) When I double-click on it, it doesn't show the player........
                        (2) When I double-click in the Explorer of........
                        (3) I configured dBpowerAMP File Type Associations so that ..........................
                        it sounds like dAP installation is corrupted, i'd try uninstall and reinstall it. and what was your audio player before you installed dAP? it might be helpful if you completely uninstall your previous player.

                        for (2) and (3), i'd also try out another player like foobar just to see if it can take over as default player, if another player exhibits the same symptoms, then clearly the problem lies on your system.

                        sorry i cant be more helpful as i dont use dAP.


                        • neilthecellist
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Dec 2004
                          • 1288

                          Re: Right-click ineffective for wav and MP3 files

                          wu ye bu yong "dAP" (I don't use dAP either)

                          wu de zhong wen jian hao bu hao? (is my chinese good? I'm in 7th grade chinese)

                          ok, back to the subject: did you have problems before dAP came along?


                          • kimmchii

                            • Mar 2005
                            • 22

                            Re: Right-click ineffective for wav and MP3 files


                            讲得还不错,加油加油. :komisch12


                            • yzrwo4

                              • Apr 2005
                              • 1

                              Re: Right-click ineffective for wav and MP3 files

                              Originally posted by stibi
                              Thanks to you, kimmchii, the problems have been sold. The "culprits" were two Windows Media Player Launchers : WMP Add To Playlist Launcher and WMP Burn Audio CD Launcher. Neither of them is something I need to have in the Context Menu, so I left them disabled.

                              Running into the same problem and using the same program (Shell Extensions Manager), I found the conflict to be between ACD mPowerTools (context menu viewer player) and "Convert To" option on dBpowerAMP Music Converter.

                              The 'Convert to' works fine for ogg/flac files but not mp3 (haven't tried other formats).

                              Other than uninstalling or disabling ACD mPowerTools is there any workaround or possible change in future Music Converter versions - I really love the convenience of both programs.

                              thanks for any input

                              PS - I've tried all the suggestions mentioned in this and other related threads to no avail.

