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sample offset

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  • Qwaz

    • Jan 2005
    • 23

    sample offset

    if you have a CD drive with an ofsett of +800 how much of a track would i miss/add on in seconds

    (i know its a small amount just wondered how much exactly it was
  • neilthecellist
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Dec 2004
    • 1288

    Re: sample offset

    whoa....Right now I feel like a n00b. Usually, I help a lot in the Support Section of the dBpowerAMP forums, but this is not something I can help with, so I'll just say this: What is an offset on a CD Drive?


    • LtData
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • May 2004
      • 8288

      Re: sample offset

      Originally posted by neilthecellist
      whoa....Right now I feel like a n00b. Usually, I help a lot in the Support Section of the dBpowerAMP forums, but this is not something I can help with, so I'll just say this: What is an offset on a CD Drive?
      We'll let Spoon answer this via a post in the AccurateRip forum:
      To summerize: CDs have 44100 samples per second. Your offset is the amount the CD has to read into the data of the CD to get to the "start" of the audio. On some CD drives, this may mean losing some data, but even 800 samples isn't too much as compared to 44,100 each second.

