I just discovered dMC and I am trying to convert some small .mod songs to ogg. These songs where designed to be use in a game so they are looped. I have one that is 99kb and when I try to convert, it just goes on and on and never seems to end. The time will elapse, but the percentage never changes. After about an hour I thought surly this can not be right.
Well, I know the song is 3:24 in duration but looking at the tag info from dmc, it shows the duration being 0:0. I thought this maybe what is causing the problem. I used another program that converted the .mod to a wav file first. Now, dmc converts this. The problem however is the loop points are gone. Now, if I let it convert the .mod and wait until around the same amount of file has been converted (~1.2mb), then cancel, I can play the .ogg and it seems to loop correctly.
How can this problem be resolved, please advise.
I just discovered dMC and I am trying to convert some small .mod songs to ogg. These songs where designed to be use in a game so they are looped. I have one that is 99kb and when I try to convert, it just goes on and on and never seems to end. The time will elapse, but the percentage never changes. After about an hour I thought surly this can not be right.
Well, I know the song is 3:24 in duration but looking at the tag info from dmc, it shows the duration being 0:0. I thought this maybe what is causing the problem. I used another program that converted the .mod to a wav file first. Now, dmc converts this. The problem however is the loop points are gone. Now, if I let it convert the .mod and wait until around the same amount of file has been converted (~1.2mb), then cancel, I can play the .ogg and it seems to loop correctly.
How can this problem be resolved, please advise.