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Power Pack won't work with DMC-r11

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  • misty miss

    • Jun 2004
    • 17

    Power Pack won't work with DMC-r11

    I just reformatted and installed DMC-r11 and when I installed
    my [Registered] copy of "Power Pack" it comes up as
    UN-registered. Wats up with that? When I paid the $20 bucks
    for it years ago it was suppost to be good for life. Did you guys
    change your policy? Did Bill Gates buy you out or something?

    misty :(
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: Power Pack won't work with DMC-r11

    Go here to redownload a registered dMC install:


    • Razgo
      • Apr 2002
      • 2532

      Re: Power Pack won't work with DMC-r11

      or you can ask for a manual link that spoon will email you out. just use this email to do so

      although your registered copy should still work


      • misty miss

        • Jun 2004
        • 17

        Re: Power Pack won't work with DMC-r11

        It has been 4 or 5 years ago that I bought it. I don't remember any order number.
        If there was a receipt it has long been lost. As I remembered after paying the
        registation I was directed to a download link.
        This is where I got the [dMC-PowerPack-Registered.exe]. I never had a number for it. You never sent any number. I still have the same e-mail address that I bought it from. Is there a form that I can fill out or something that I can do to find my original order number?


        • Razgo
          • Apr 2002
          • 2532

          Re: Power Pack won't work with DMC-r11

          well before we go down the track of trying to retrieve something thats lost i am wondering why your current powerpack doesnt work.

          from memory it had an "R" in the exe file something like powerpack-R.exe?

          if so that should still work when you install the latest dmc over it.


          • misty miss

            • Jun 2004
            • 17

            Re: Power Pack won't work with DMC-r11

            My Powerpack exe reads like this: dMC-PowerPack-Registered.exe

            When I go to open the program and actually convert something the
            "Powerpack Symbol" (the yellow & red rocketship) has "unregistered" on
            either side of it. Version DMC-r09 & DMC-r10 never had "unregistered."
            This is why I originally put the question to the Forum in the first place.

            As to your suggestion of lookin at the DMC "config." it says "Yes" to having
            Powerpack registered. So I'm now confused as to which reading is true.

            Thanks & please advise.


            • Razgo
              • Apr 2002
              • 2532

              Re: Power Pack won't work with DMC-r11

              apart from the word "unregistered" showing up, is there anything not working that should be? like you can use the mp3 converter and powerpack features ok?

              it could be something that got left behind in the registry. i'm out of ideas at the moment.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44840

                Re: Power Pack won't work with DMC-r11

                If dMC config says it is registered then it probabbly is (that image is just a picture for a button, not used in the latest dMC R11).


                • Razgo
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 2532

                  Re: Power Pack won't work with DMC-r11

                  in the next dmc update is it possible to make it so it removes or disables the access to that image not in use anymore? or just a "fix" that can be run to correct it?


                  • misty miss

                    • Jun 2004
                    • 17

                    Re: Power Pack won't work with DMC-r11

                    Everything seems to be working just fine. The reason that I had originally
                    purchaced the power Pack was that I was having a problem using the
                    "Convert" command from the drop-down menu in Explorer. I thought that
                    by enhancing DMC with Power Pack it would solve this problem for me. in fact
                    I believe it was you that helped me find the solution to my "Convert" problem.
                    I don't know why but everytime after I would reformat and things were running smooth I would inavertantly install Acustica MP3 to wave converter. that was my whold problem. And it was not a real good program anyway.
                    DMC was always faster and much better at converting
                    The point being: I really don't know how to use Power Pack. I like the pretty
                    rocket though. One day i'll figure it out. My concern was that when I read about the licenceing issue with the MP3 encoding I thought that finally
                    I'd be able to get my moneys worth now.....
                    Then I see the "Unregestered" and this is my concern.
                    When I click on the pretty Power Pack rocket it shows the list of options,
                    but since I don't know how to use them I can't really
                    tell if they work or not.

                    This is a fresh reformat so I don't think it can be something left behind in the
                    registry. I like what mr Spoon man had to say. Heres hoping the "Unregistered" is just a [fantom] reading that don't mean nothing.

                    Thanks for your help
                    dBPowerAMP is the best!!
                    I luv you guys


                    • Razgo
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 2532

                      Re: Power Pack won't work with DMC-r11

                      well i am glad you are still enjoying it. if you start up "audio cd input" and click on powerpack rocket you will see all the rip to ram and rip to ram and encode at same time features among others. there is some but not all features for powerpack listed here also

                      an because you registered a long time ago you get sveta and free updates also. (only needed when you venture into mp3 audio players)

                      i think you will find you have been using the powerpack features without knowing it. i found the best way to know what the powerpack does is just install an unregistered version and wait for the powerpack to expire and then you will quickly see what disappeared :D

