Thanks a lot for writing this incredibly simple to use Rio 500 interface.
However some of the songs that I try to upload to my Rio exhibited this strange behavior.
Firing up dBPowerAMP rio 500 plugin I browse over to some mp3, If I choose to upload them I get a message saying that the format is not supported by the device. So I close the program. open the folder with explorer. choose the files and right click them. choose convert to rio. them it gets converted and uploaded.
Am I missing something here?
What is the max bit rate the rio 500 may handle?
However some of the songs that I try to upload to my Rio exhibited this strange behavior.
Firing up dBPowerAMP rio 500 plugin I browse over to some mp3, If I choose to upload them I get a message saying that the format is not supported by the device. So I close the program. open the folder with explorer. choose the files and right click them. choose convert to rio. them it gets converted and uploaded.
Am I missing something here?
What is the max bit rate the rio 500 may handle?