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Audio CD Input will not read CDs

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  • BobJones

    Audio CD Input will not read CDs

    dbPowerAmp Audio CD Input will not read my audio CDs. WinAmp will read my CDs and connect to Freedb, but Audo CD Input will not even read the discs.

    Why does this occur? How can I get Audio CD Input to work correctly?
  • LtData
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • May 2004
    • 8288

    Re: Audio CD Input will not read CDs

    Do you have more than one CD drive? Go to options and select the correct drive

    Are your CDs copy-protected? Click the arrow beside Options, highlight "Standard CD Player Emulation" and then click on "Table of Contents Detection" to uncheck it.

    Does this help? Also, what CDs are you trying? Is it just one or two, or any of them?


    • BobJones

      Re: Audio CD Input will not read CDs

      I have one CD drive; I'm trying to rip the same music discs that Winamp, RealAudio and other music players read without problem.

      dbpoweramp Audio CD Input won't read the discs. However, dpoweramp Music Converter will rip them.

      But without Audio CD Input to first read the disc, connect to freedb and download track information, the Music Converter just rips tracks with no titles.

      I think the solution here is to switch to another program, such as Winamp, that will both read and rip the discs.


      • Razgo
        • Apr 2002
        • 2532

        Re: Audio CD Input will not read CDs

        in other words its just a "freedb" connection problem.

        have you tried to connect to all the other server freedb databases? under options in audio cd input there is a choice of 11 different servers to connect too.


        • BobJones

          Re: Audio CD Input will not read CDs

          [QUOTE=Razgo]in other words its just a "freedb" connection problem.

          Wow! I don't know how in the world I can explain any more clearly.

          dbpoweramp WILL NOT read my audio CDs. Winamp, RealPlayer, Creative PlayCenter all WILL read my audio CDs.

          In order to connect to "freedb," the program must first READ THE AUDIO CD.

          dbPoweramp WILL NOT READ MY AUDIO CDs.

          Solution? TRASH dbPoweramp in favor of Winamp.

          Last edited by Guest; December 29, 2004, 08:40 AM.


          • Razgo
            • Apr 2002
            • 2532

            Re: Audio CD Input will not read CDs

            well we only try to help you with your problem as thousands of others don't have this issue. and those that do have problems usually get it resolved. and don't forget you said you "CAN" rip the cd using dmc which means dmc "CAN" read the cd. so that means it's a connection to freedb issue . but it would seem your head is so far up your butt you can't see the light. enjoy your winamp
            Last edited by Spoons; December 29, 2004, 09:50 AM.


            • Razgo
              • Apr 2002
              • 2532

              Re: Audio CD Input will not read CDs

              here is a nice little reply i got via PM. who is of course banned for now until he wishes to come back and show some respect first.

              Way to close a thread so you don't have to take your medicine, asshole.

              The fact is, your *blooper**blooper**blooper**blooper**blooper**bloo per**blooper* program WILL NOT read audio CDs. It can hardly get to freedb if it won't even read the CD.

              I am happily now using Winamp to read, connect to freedb and rip my audio CDs.

              dbpoweramp is now removed from my hard drive.

              *blooper**blooper**blooper**blooper* you and your crappy software.

