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Is it possible to use an ALPHA version of Lame in dMC?

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  • neilthecellist
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Dec 2004
    • 1288

    Is it possible to use an ALPHA version of Lame in dMC?

    Dear all:

    I understand that dMC can use different versions of the MP3 LAME encoder, but can it also take an Alpha version of LAME for mp3 encoding? I got it from this site

    it has Alpha Lame 3.97 or something like that.....

    Btw, what is an Alpha? What's a stable version?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Is it possible to use an ALPHA version of Lame in dMC?

    Alpha is a untested version.

    Search this forum for lame_enc.dll you can replace it.


    • neilthecellist
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Dec 2004
      • 1288

      Re: Is it possible to use an ALPHA version of Lame in dMC?

      oh ok. Thanks Spoon!

      EDIT: Wait, do i just replace the lame_enc.dll file, say, for example, in the WinAmp folder? Will that cause WinAMP to make mp3s using the LAME codec?
      Last edited by neilthecellist; December 23, 2004, 12:34 AM.


      • Wayne
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Aug 2002
        • 1254

        Re: Is it possible to use an ALPHA version of Lame in dMC?

        Yes replacing the lame_enc.dll file with a newer version will result in the new version being used. This is something I have done myself in the past.

        It depends on what changes have been made to the codec as to whether or not you will experience any problems.

        This procedure should work with any program using the lame_enc.dll codec (e.g. Audacity, dMC, EAC etc).

        Last edited by Wayne; December 23, 2004, 10:22 AM.


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44825

          Re: Is it possible to use an ALPHA version of Lame in dMC?

          dBpowerAMPs Lame_enc.dll is in a dbpoweramp folder, ie is not shared with anything else.


          • neilthecellist
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Dec 2004
            • 1288

            Re: Is it possible to use an ALPHA version of Lame in dMC?

            lemme ask this question a second time:

            Would this work with WinAmp?


            • ChristinaS
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Apr 2004
              • 4097

              Re: Is it possible to use an ALPHA version of Lame in dMC?

              Id' think that if you identify the mp3 codec used by Winamp (location and name), and replaced it by a copy of the one used by dBpowerAMP, saved under the same name as the one used by Winamp, and to the same folder, then you might trick Winamp into using that one. I'd not get rid of the original one just in case there's some incompatibility.


              • LtData
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • May 2004
                • 8288

                Re: Is it possible to use an ALPHA version of Lame in dMC?

                Couldn't he use the mp3 lame.exe codec and point it to the beta lame.exe?


                • ChristinaS
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Apr 2004
                  • 4097

                  Re: Is it possible to use an ALPHA version of Lame in dMC?

                  Originally posted by LtData
                  Couldn't he use the mp3 lame.exe codec and point it to the beta lame.exe?
                  What do you mean "point"? If the program is looking for something.exe then this is what it needs, not s hortcut or a .bat .


                  • LtData
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • May 2004
                    • 8288

                    Re: Is it possible to use an ALPHA version of Lame in dMC?

                    Originally posted by ChristinaS
                    What do you mean "point"? If the program is looking for something.exe then this is what it needs, not s hortcut or a .bat .
                    Right, he would have to download the alpha version of LAME and point the lame.exe codec at the lame.exe program itself.


                    • ChristinaS
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Apr 2004
                      • 4097

                      Re: Is it possible to use an ALPHA version of Lame in dMC?

                      Originally posted by LtData
                      Right, he would have to download the alpha version of LAME and point the lame.exe codec at the lame.exe program itself.
                      LOL! :D Kind of going in circles, aren't we?


                      • LtData
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • May 2004
                        • 8288

                        Re: Is it possible to use an ALPHA version of Lame in dMC?

                        Originally posted by ChristinaS
                        LOL! :D Kind of going in circles, aren't we?
                        Okay, trying again. The mp3 lame.exe codec, don't you have to have the lame.exe downloaded to your computer? Don't you have to download this separately? Or is this not how the codec works?


                        • ChristinaS
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Apr 2004
                          • 4097

                          Re: Is it possible to use an ALPHA version of Lame in dMC?

                          Originally posted by LtData
                          Okay, trying again. The mp3 lame.exe codec, don't you have to have the lame.exe downloaded to your computer? Don't you have to download this separately? Or is this not how the codec works?
                          OK, I was replying to the question on getting Winamp to use the same mp3 codec as dBpowerAMP. :D


                          • LtData
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • May 2004
                            • 8288

                            Re: Is it possible to use an ALPHA version of Lame in dMC?

                            Originally posted by ChristinaS
                            OK, I was replying to the question on getting Winamp to use the same mp3 codec as dBpowerAMP. :D
                            Well I was saying another method he could use to get the alpha version of LAME into dMC. That is how the mp3 lame.exe codec works, right?

                            Edit: Oh, also, for clarification. Alpha is normally a very unstable test version, beta is more stable but still a test release, and then you have release candidates which are mostly final but working out the remaining bugs.
                            Last edited by LtData; December 24, 2004, 06:45 AM.


                            • Wayne
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • Aug 2002
                              • 1254

                              Re: Is it possible to use an ALPHA version of Lame in dMC?

                              There are two ways to encode files using lame. Your program can either use lame_enc.dll (used by dMC and installed by default) or the external program lame.exe.

                              Lame_enc.dll does not need lame.exe installed to work as they work independently of each other.

                              If WinAMP uses lame to create mp3s I would have thought that it would installs its own copy somewhere in the WinAMP folder. By replacing the codec with a different version should result in WinAMP using the new version. However if the codec has any new options that WinAMP isn't aware of you will be unable to use them.

                              Merry Christmas,

