Since i've upgraded to version 11 (and payed for the program) i have the following problem: Either my dvdplayer (lite-on) or dvd-burner (nec 2500a) don't recognise some of my cd's. For example some burned cd's are not recognised but also some new cd's aren't recognised. (for example the new of alison krauss isn't recognised in either of the 2) So i can't rip them. I'll never expierenced that problem before and i won't get an eror message. windowsmediaplayer does recognise and play the cd's. What's going on here? i don't understand. someone who expierence the same problem?
TIA (and excuses for my simple kanguage cause it's not my native. dutch here)
TIA (and excuses for my simple kanguage cause it's not my native. dutch here)