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freedb and dMCScripting.dll

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  • reven

    • Dec 2004
    • 4

    freedb and dMCScripting.dll

    ive written a C# program that rips the audio tracks from a cd and converts them to mp3 using the dMCScripting dll. it works great, but freedb doesnt seem to work. i thought it was working since the first cd i tried had id3 tags in it. but no other cd is able to get this info, these cds are in freedb so the problem isnt there. i figured maybe the dMCScripting dll doesnt use freedb and just uses cdtext (i have little to no knowledge here, its a wild guess). i was just wondering if i could force it to look for the info from freedb, and cancel the rip if not found or something.

    btw great program. im still a student at uni, so forgive my ignorance, and just trying to write a free plugin for a free PVR program (gbpvr).
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44773

    Re: freedb and dMCScripting.dll

    You are right the scripting has no access to freedb, that is handled by Audio CD Input.


    • reven

      • Dec 2004
      • 4

      Re: freedb and dMCScripting.dll

      so the id3 tags, are just via cdtext if available?

      is there anyway to grab the info from freedb via any available controls?

      if theres not, its no biggie i have been able to grab the info myself, just have to write it to the mp3s afterwards. just wondering if i can remove a step or two.

      also is there anyway to make it so the gui is not displayed? the plugin im writing is for a pvr program and many remotes require the pvr program window to have focus, which the gui removes (i return focus, but this is not always 100% (i let a thread sleep for awhile then force focus back to the pvr program, but if the gui takes longer than expected to be displayed, it steals focus again, and if i increase the wait time, the pvr program mightnt be able to have control for a longer time than needed. damned if you dont, damned if you do situation.)


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44773

        Re: freedb and dMCScripting.dll

        After you start conversion you can FindWindow and minimize dMC.


        • reven

          • Dec 2004
          • 4

          Re: freedb and dMCScripting.dll

          ive managed to return focus, but i had to grab the freedb info after i rip the cd, since i have no way of telling how long it will take to find the info (via a different control). so i start a thread which adds the files then go conversion, after that thread is started sleep for 2 seconds, then return focus. that appears to be enough time. after rip i grab the info. and all is well.

          now ive added a readme.txt file to the zip file with my free plugin. and said "am using dbpowerAMP to rip cd to mp3 and you can find it at" is that all the credit you want? do you want me to add anything more etc.

          im new to this actually coding something and putting out there (still at uni and all).

          also once i upload this plugin im making to the wiki, ill put a credit in there aswell.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44773

            Re: freedb and dMCScripting.dll

            Good enough.


            • reven

              • Dec 2004
              • 4

              Re: freedb and dMCScripting.dll

              ok cheers, thanks for the great program.

