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Only converting half the song??

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  • xoas
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2002
    • 2662

    Re: Only converting half the song??

    To followup on Christina's question, do your "problem" Flac files consist of more than a single song or track?

    I am going to assume that this isn't the case. Logic dictates that if the test conversion will work that there ought to be a successful way to convert your Flac files. Usually, at this point, I start to think about why the test conversion won't work and why the test conversion will.

    You might want to experiment with some of the other lossless codecs (Monkeys, WavPack, Shorten, WMA 9/9.1 Lossless) to see if you can convert a "problem" Flac file to a different lossless format without losing audio.

    There is the idea again of going back and checking your Windows File Associations (Control Panel > Folder Options > File Types then find the .flac extension-you will have to scroll down the list of file types-and set the association to dBpowerAMP Music Converter).

    My instinct is that there is some type of incompatability between the Flac codec that created these "problem" files and the dMC codec and the distinction between WinAmp playing the whole file and iTunes not and dMC only partly converting would seem to be consistent with this. But if that were the case, the test conversion shouldn't work and it does.

    It does lead me to wonder about whether the situation would be different if you uninstalled the dMC Flac Codec, downloaded and installed the WinAmp Input Adapter, and used the WinAmp Flac plug-in, if that would work.

    I don't suppose you have a smallish type "problem" file you could send to take a look at (you will find an e-mail link in my profile)?

    Best wishes,
    Bill Mikkelsen


    • jhladik

      • Dec 2004
      • 13

      Re: Only converting half the song??

      Thanks for all your help Bill. First, it(the support administrator apparently) won't let me send you an email. I have a file that is 3 MB that I could send to you to check out. To respond to your last post: no all the files are separate and only one song per file. I tried converting them to shorten, which I have in the past and today converted fine to wav, and once in shorten it still only converts half the song to wav? I also set the control panel to use dbpoweramp for flac files, and still only half the song shows up when converted. I haven't tried the winamp thing because I don't want to mess up how that works and couldn't really find the thing you were talking about. If you could get me your email, I'll send you one of the problem files to check out. Thanks again for all your help.



      • xoas
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2002
        • 2662

        Re: Only converting half the song??

        I've sent you a private message with my address.
        I do have profile edited to allow e-mail, so I am not sure what is up with that.
        Your "problem" flac files wouldn't happen to be 24 bit, would they?
        Anyway, I look forward to hearing from you.
        Best wishes,
        Bill mikkelsen


        • jhladik

          • Dec 2004
          • 13

          Re: Only converting half the song??

          the songs are 16 bit not 24. Thanks.


          • xoas
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Apr 2002
            • 2662

            Re: Only converting half the song??

            The file you sent me converted straight away both to Wav, 16 bit, 44.1kHz stereo and to mp3 lame at 160 kbs cbr. Please confirm that this is a problem file. I will be sending you a copy of the mp3 file. Make sure it plays all the way through for you.
            Assuming it will play all the way through for you, what version of dBpowerAMP Music Converter are you using? What Windows version are you using?

            Best wishes,
            Bill Mikkelsen


            • jhladik

              • Dec 2004
              • 13

              Re: Only converting half the song??

              still I only get the 30 second verion on the file you sent me, even as I try to convert it again, and exactly like I converted it myself (same time and everything. I am running windows xp and have the latest(11) version of dbpoweramp? More help? Thanks so much I really want to solve this for other files, ect.



              • xoas
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Apr 2002
                • 2662

                Re: Only converting half the song??

                Are you saying that the original you sent was longer than 30 seconds? I thought it might be the complete file because the tag information for the original suggests that the Flac file is indeed 30 seconds long. It played for 30 seconds in the dBpowerAMP Audio Player. The converted files I created were also of the same duration.

                On your computer, what playing time does the tag show for the original Flac?
                Is there any particular plug-in you are using for Flac in WinAmp? Unless your original file happens to be the same as the mp3, I think I will need to track down your WinAmp Flac plug-in to confirm that the file handles differently in Flac.

                You have SP2? You have no other problems with Music Converter?

                Best wishes,
                Bill Mikkelsen


                • jhladik

                  • Dec 2004
                  • 13

                  Re: Only converting half the song??

                  Sorry about that I am resending the correct file to your email. As for the other things you mentioned, I'm not sure what a SP2 is? and where would I find my winamp flac plug-in? Thanks and you should be receiving the email shortly.



                  • Wayne
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Aug 2002
                    • 1254

                    Re: Only converting half the song??

                    By SP2 I think he is refering to Service Pack 2 for Windows XP, the latest collection of updates and bug fixes for Windows XP.

                    I would assume that the winamp flac plug-in itself should reside somewhere in the WinAMP folder in C:\Program Files. Possibly in a plug-ins sub folder.



                    • xoas
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Apr 2002
                      • 2662

                      Re: Only converting half the song??

                      Yes, I meant Service Pack 2. This had been giving some users some problems, others (myself included) none at all, but I really don't think this is an issue at this point.

                      I have your new file and I'll work with it tonight or tomorrow am. I'm going to try to using the Flac Front-end with WinAmp/Foobar (another audio player)/Nero plugins if I need to. If you are using a different plug-in in WinAmp please let me know.

                      Best wishes,
                      Bill Mikkelsen


                      • xoas
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Apr 2002
                        • 2662

                        Re: Only converting half the song??

                        I hope my e-mail has stopped sending you stuff. I have no idea what is up with that.

                        Anyway, I need to know where you got the plug-in that you are using with WinAmp to play your Flac files there. The Flac front-end loader on its own, in Foobar, in WinAmp and the dAP Flac codec all stop playing or converting the file after 30 seconds. The Flac front end has a test feature which appears to indicate that there is a disruption in the file string at 30 seconds which would seem to be what causes the file playing or converting to stop abruptly at that spot.

                        I also tried test converting the file but it test converted way too fast to get a reading but also so fast that it is almost certainly not decoding the full Flac file.

                        So it would be VERY helpful if you can direct me to where you found the WinAmp Flac plug-in that is playing the whole file.

                        Best wishes,
                        Bill Mikkelsen


                        • jhladik

                          • Dec 2004
                          • 13

                          Re: Only converting half the song??


                          Thanks for all your help. I believe the file is corrupt at some point and have contacted the source to get a corrected version. Also, I got another flac file and was able to convert it, so it looks like the problem was in the original files. Take care.


