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problems converting to .wma

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  • compu-rora

    • Nov 2004
    • 2

    problems converting to .wma

    I use DMC already longtime. Wonderful program
    But since installing Windows Media player 10.0
    I cant convert to .wma any more!
    So installed the new DMC 10 and both ! wma codec's( the DMC codec & Windows codec) again.
    shutdown the computer,and pressed power again.
    But still I get the message after input file .. Codec couldn't be opened??? :cry:
    all other convertions working good.
    The config says all codec's Read & Write are installed.?
    So please Help.!
  • xoas
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2002
    • 2662

    Re: problems converting to .wma

    Try the Windows Media Audio (WMA) 9.1 codecs (and system files) from the beta section here:
    WMA 9.1 is designed to work with WMP 10. We have had work-arounds reported to get the WMA v9 codec to work with Windows Media Player 10 but this is by far easier.

    If you have already tried this or should this not work, please let us know. Also, please send any specifics you can about the text of your error message, about the file(s) you are trying to convert (format, bits, bitrate, frequency, channels) and the settings you are using for the wma files you are trying to create (same variables). Also, what Windows version are you using? (WMP 10 requires-I believe-Windows XP, if you are using a different Windows version you should go back to WMP 9).

    Good luck and best wishes,
    Bill Mikkelsen


    • akdsmith

      • Nov 2004
      • 1

      Re: problems converting to .wma

      I have a similar problem. I have upgraded to WMP10, but now i can encode at wMA codec 9, only 9.1. My mp3 player doesn't support 9.1, only WMA 9. Even if i try to encode at 8, it comes out as 9.1. Codecs 7 and 2 come out as 7 and 2, but my MP3 player only supports 9 and 8. Any ideas on how i can encode as WMA 9 or 8?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44847

        Re: problems converting to .wma

        Only a system restore (roll back) will remove microsofts newer files.


        • compu-rora

          • Nov 2004
          • 2

          Re: problems converting to .wma

          Bill (XOAS) and other people.
          Many thanks I installed both new codec's and it looks all is
          working fine now again.
          Many Thanks to you all for the help.


