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newbie help

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  • bushido

    • Nov 2004
    • 5

    newbie help

    Hi all,
    After lots of considerations i have decided to convert my music collection (about 60 CDs) to FLAC format on my computer. I have also chosen that dbpowerAMP software should do the job, and be my default musicplayer.

    Not all of my CDs are scratced, but lots of them are, and when playing at my sony hifi-stereo it gives me NO problem (of cause because the D/A converter in the CD player, will correct the scractes before the sound reaches the loudspeaker).

    Since a computers CD drive does not contain a D/A converter it does not correct the scratches. (I might allready says something wrong here, but I'm really new into this, so please read on :o ) lets say it dosent for now.
    Now I have ripped on of my CDs and the last 2 songs have a 'click' for every turn the CD is spinning and the 'click' remains on the FLAC version. Some other of my CDs is worse when ripped, but on my stereo all sounds fine.

    Is there any way to prevent this from happening? Or do I need special software. :confused: I have read about the AccurateRip but I'm not sure I understand it (likely because english not is my native language, it gives me some problems sometimes).
    I can't make it configured (I need help to this too..) but if I manage to configure it, will it then correct the scraches on the CDs? Or what is the exactly funktion of AccurateRip?
    At the top of dbpowerAMP converter it says "[AccrateRip Unconfigured]", but I have ripped "Daydream" (Mariah Carrie) which is on the CD list on dbpAMP website... So why isen't it configured?

    In case someone can answer some of my qustions I would be very happy. It migth be so that some of my qustions are described in the forum but I can't find it no matter what I try to search for.

    Any help will be appriciated a lot

    Last edited by bushido; November 26, 2004, 09:23 PM.
  • Razgo
    • Apr 2002
    • 2532

    Re: newbie help

    hi and welcome to the dbpoweramp forums. what is your native language? (others may speak it here)

    accuraterip will not fix scratches/sound problems.

    you could try a free program called audacity to see if it can clear the noise


    • bushido

      • Nov 2004
      • 5

      Re: newbie help

      Thanks for the Welcome. I'm Danish :happy:
      (I have just edited my profile, so 'it should be easier to see)

      So AccurateRip "only" makes CRC to be compared with others?


      • Razgo
        • Apr 2002
        • 2532

        Re: newbie help

        basically yes, more info here
        and here:

        also i found a shareware free for 30 days you could try to de pop.
        DePopper is the first low cost vinyl restoration program that really works. Only US$18. 30 days free evaluation.


        • bushido

          • Nov 2004
          • 5

          Re: newbie help

          Thanks for the help Razgo :happy:
          I will try Audacity, but I guess I loose the ID tags of the files. However if it's working it's better than not to convert them. And hey..! my AcurrateRip is configured now



          • ChristinaS
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Apr 2004
            • 4097

            Re: newbie help

            It's also possible that the tracks that appear to have pops and cracks are in fact copy protected. You could try to rip just those again outside dMC Audio CD Input, using Windwos Explorer and simple dMC alone. They will not have tags or meanigful names but they might sound better. You can always take care of the names and tags separately.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44840

              Re: newbie help

              A CD will have to be very badly scratched to make 'popping' noises, if it does that then taking it out and applying a 'restoring liquid' might help, you can buy it in the shops.


              • adaywayne
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Nov 2004
                • 383

                Re: newbie help

                Stolen from another forum....hope that is allowed!

                thanks BoSkin Hopefully it helps. DeGlitch + frontend ( What is DeGlitch?

                Written by David Bryant, author of DeGlitch.

                DeGlitch is designed to detect and correct isolated bad samples in digital audio files caused by ripping damaged CDs or discs that do not meet the CD standard (i.e. copy protected). These errors are generally heard as clicks, although they can also occur in bursts that sound more like crackle. DeGlitch will not work at all on the clicks found in vinyl rips (which span many consecutive samples) and will not work as well with audio that has been compressed (except lossless). Its algorithm will also fail in error bursts where more than 1/3 of the samples are corrupted, although these will normally occur only with deeply scratched CDs.

                The popular CD ripper program EAC has a similar (but very simple) function built into its waveform editor. However, the EAC deglitcher is not able to eliminate all audible glitches and also quite often falsely triggers on regular audio. While it may be impossible to perform this task flawlessly, DeGlitch has been finely tuned and will generally eliminate all audible glitches while very rarely falsely triggering, and will perform this without the nuisance of the threshold adjustment that the EAC deglitch function requires.

                However, because DeGlitch will falsely trigger at least once in about half of all CD tracks, it is not recommended that DeGlitch be used for all rips. Instead, DeGlitch should be used only when audible clicks are heard in rips of dirty, damaged, or copy protected CDs. If your ripper reports that errors occurred in your rip, you might want to listen to those tracks to see if there are audible clicks that DeGlitch could remove. However, it is important to note that just because your ripper does not report any errors there still may be audible glitches, so always use your own ears as the final judge. You can also use DeGlitch as a scanner for potential glitches and then listen at the reported times to verify any real glitches.

                Newer CD drives may automatically fix glitches in CD rips, or may report these errors (known as "C2 errors") to the ripper software so that it may fix them. You may have to select options in your ripper software to accomplish this. If you still have audible glitches in your rips, however, DeGlitch may very well be the only solution .

