Hi all. I'm waiting for my philips Hdd070 mp3 player to arrive (in the post) but i've heard that the software supplied with the player is rubbish. Could anyone tell me what i would need to do to install 'sveta' (& anything else I would need). As a complete novice, I would be grateful of any help!!
Philips HDD070 mp3 player
Re: Philips HDD070 mp3 player
Everything you need is on this page:
This new Sveta release features a new Sveta Explorer: there are nine different 'views' within Sveta Explorer that make organizing a large collection easier. In addition there is better playlist support (if supported by your player). *** Only install this new beta if your Sveta device driver has been updated (otherwise your
Just Sveta and the HDD060 / 070 Sveta driver (install DMM as well, not only to see how bad it is, but also for doing firmware updates).