I'm trying to convert .aac to .mp3, i downloaded the codec to do this. But when i select my .aac file and then convert, i get the error "The CODEC required to compress file.mp3 could not be opened." How can i fix this?
AAC -> MP3 problem
Re: AAC -> MP3 problem
Originally posted by UnregisteredI'm trying to convert .aac to .mp3, i downloaded the codec to do this. But when i select my .aac file and then convert, i get the error "The CODEC required to compress file.mp3 could not be opened." How can i fix this?
What bitrate, frequency, channels and other specs are you selecting for your mp3 file?
Can you try to convert your .aac file first to "Test Conversion" ? -
Re: AAC -> MP3 problem
If test conversion fails, it suggests you cannot open the aac files.
Do you have the MP4/AAC Decoder codec (available from the Codec Central link at the top of this page) installed? If not, please go ahead and do so. If you think you have it installed, please check your dMC (dBpowerAMP Music Converter) Configuration (Start > All Programs > dBpowerAMP Music Converter > Configuration > dMC Configuration). Look to see whether the configuration shows a codec for reading your .aac files. If it does not, this suggests the codec was not installed correctly or was not installed in the right spot.
If that does not work, can you tell us anything about your AAC file (where it came from, bits, frequency, bitrate, channels)? Can you check the file extension to confirm that it is .aac as opposed to .mp4, .m4a, or .m4p?
Good luck and best wishes,
Bill MikkelsenComment
Re: AAC -> MP3 problem
Takin' me a long ass time to figure out how to convert .aac files to .mp3 so i can burn my .mkv animes too...
I Simply set dbPowerAmp to convert the .aac file to .mp3, with the settings set to "as source" ...
I didn't set dbPA to convert to Stereo 41100 Hz or whatever...
If you convert the .aac with the settings set to "as source" for both, then it will not finish in a second, and will convert the whole file..
Ok well after the file finished i opened it and it turned out to be just alot of weird static and blips and stuff.. so i guess this method didn't work.. oh well :P I'm trying it again with the channels set to as source and the frequency as 44100.. hopefully that'll work..
Ok so that didn't work either.. trying again with "as source" and 48100 Hz..
Well it was closer that time.. made out some voices and effects.. but still proper conversion..
i'll keep y'all posted..Last edited by Sobaixu; September 05, 2006, 07:18 PM.Comment
Re: AAC -> MP3 problem
Same problem here, aac-files from a ripped from a winamp aac+ stream.
mp3 codec: lame
dMC R11 using Powerpack
bitrate, frequency, channels,... : tried a few combos, but none works
Test Conversion: Codec to decrompress could not be opened.
MP4/AAC Decoder codec installed according to instructions on this site; shows up in dMC Configuration.
aac-file info: ripped with Streamripper, length, size and original size in explorer info popup show all 0
Re: AAC -> MP3 problem
Winamp: Check
WMP: Nope
Winamp has to plugins as Decoders for aac+:
- Nullsoft MPEG(Layer1-3/CT AAC+/Dolby AAC) Audio Decoder 3.1 (in_mp3.dll)
- Nullsoft MP4 demuxer v0.6 (in_mp4.dll)
Any chance I can get these Decoders work with dMC?
Oh, and you're not alone, I tried yesterday about ten different apps that all say they can convert aac to mp3. None worked so far...
Well, one did, but it came out with a lot of noise.