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24 bit conversion/6(5.1) channels but?

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  • savagcl
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Aug 2004
    • 439

    24 bit conversion/6(5.1) channels but?

    Ok got a successful conversion to 24 bit at 5.1 channels and it sounds good.
    I Converted a file from MP3 to WAV

    But when i play it, i see: 44KHZ and 635 KBPS. 635 is a little over the 192 kbps
    so was just wondering - does this sound right?

    24 Bit(DVD), 44100Hz (CD), 6'5.1', No Compression
    Other settings: Volume Normalize, DSP to 16 bit (dither) and Adaptive Normalization

    And 1 more - Does it matter what i set the compression to equal?

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44895

    Re: 24 bit conversion/6(5.1) channels but?

    An mp3 will not really render to anything higher than 16 bits, 2 channel (you can but there is no point). I am not sure where 24 bit 6 channel comes from?


    • savagcl
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Aug 2004
      • 439

      Re: 24 bit conversion/6(5.1) channels but?

      I took it from a MP3 to WAV of 16 bit, 44100, 192Kbps.
      then i did a second WAV conversion (of the output wav
      file above) to 24 bit, 44100, 6 channels (5.1)
      using the dBpower-converter. And it worked great
      just a lot of Kbps being sent through. Must be the DVD setting.

      Original MP3 Tag:
      Extension: mp3
      Length ( 3:23
      Size: 4921KB
      Original Size: 34969KB
      Compression: 7 to 1 (14%)
      Average Bit Rate: 198Kbps
      Format: Wave format Extensible
      Frequency: 44100
      Channels: 2
      Channel Mode: Joint-Stereo
      Level: MPEG 1 Layer 3
      Variable Bit Rate Mp3
      Encoded by Lame 3.96
      ID Tag: Apev2 & ID3v1 & ID3v2.3

      First conversion, WAV TAG:
      Extension: wav
      Length ( 3:29
      Size: 108311KB
      Original Size: 108311KB
      Compression: 1 to 1 (100%)
      Format: Wave format Extensible
      Frequency: 44100
      Channels: 6
      Bits: 16
      Precision: 16
      SubType: PCM
      Channels: Undefined

      Second conversion, WAV TAG:
      Extension: wav
      Length ( 3:29
      Size: 162466KB
      Original Size: 108310KB
      Compression: .6 to 1 (150%)
      Format: Wave format Extensible
      Frequency: 44100
      Channels: 6
      Bits: 24
      Precision: 24
      SubType: PCM
      Channels: Undefined

      thanks, Spoon,


      • ChristinaS
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2004
        • 4097

        Re: 24 bit conversion/6(5.1) channels but?

        DSP to 16 bit (dither) - you brought it back down to 16-bit, so the entire 24-bit conversin was for nothing. Or am I missing something?


        • savagcl
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Aug 2004
          • 439

          Re: 24 bit conversion/6(5.1) channels but?

          A good question, Christina, and another reason for having the bits displayed
          somewhere on the player.

          I did use the DSP 16 bit dither (otherwise i just got noise output).

          The Creative player does show 24 bit playback (on the player) but there is lots
          of discussion about Creative and their advertised 24 bit playback.
          The change in file size (108,311 to 162,466) would indicate, (to me anyway),
          that it is a 24 bit file, as confirmed by the tag. The song does sound better, i
          suppose this can be put down to the 6 (5.1) channel thing tho.

          Assuming it is played back as 16 bit, would that effect the channels of a WAV



          • ChristinaS
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Apr 2004
            • 4097

            Re: 24 bit conversion/6(5.1) channels but?

            Originally posted by savagcl
            A good question, Christina, and another reason for having the bits displayed
            somewhere on the player.

            I did use the DSP 16 bit dither (otherwise i just got noise output).

            The Creative player does show 24 bit playback (on the player) but there is lots
            of discussion about Creative and their advertised 24 bit playback.
            The change in file size (108,311 to 162,466) would indicate, (to me anyway),
            that it is a 24 bit file, as confirmed by the tag. The song does sound better, i
            suppose this can be put down to the 6 (5.1) channel thing tho.

            Assuming it is played back as 16 bit, would that effect the channels of a WAV
            Ok, the file is bigger but not any better - you just have more of the same, coming at you from different speakers. I assume you have the speakers to go with the 6(5.1) channel setup. I don't so I can't tell the difference between 2-channel and 6. Sure, it became a 24-bit wav file but that's not the same thing as if the file had originally been recorded as a 24-bit wav 6 (5.1). You used an mp3 - that's your starting point, not the original 16-bit wav file, so it's already lost a lot of the fidelity of that original - maybe not very discernable to the ear so much, but definitely lost. The best you can achieve is the same as your mp3 - but because of the multiple speakers it sounds fuller - maybe louder too.

            It's like a photo. If you print it at a reduced size (say like a thumbnail) and scan it again, when you enlarge it it will not be as good quality as your original, regardless of what high resolution you define.


            • savagcl
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Aug 2004
              • 439

              Re: 24 bit conversion/6(5.1) channels but?

              I understand it not any better and a little bit less than it was, but it did give me
              a chance to test out my 5.1 speakers. That kinda makes up for the loss in
              The only difference i can detect, with my ears, is the difference in the channel
              output. To me, the music sounds better, meaning i can't detect any diference in the sound quality (not to say there isn't any) so it must be the multi-channel

              thanks, Christina,


              • savagcl
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Aug 2004
                • 439

                Re: 24 bit conversion/6(5.1) channels but?

                I also noticed that it playsback as "Mono". So, can i believe that the channel
                info is carried to the sound card and the sound card splits it into multi-channels?

                Apparently, its a one-way street and you cannot convert back to 16 from 24
                bit. Well, you can but there are a lot of skips, enough to make the song useless.
                So, no problem, just keep the originals backedup in a safe place.



                • ChristinaS
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Apr 2004
                  • 4097

                  Re: 24 bit conversion/6(5.1) channels but?

                  Originally posted by savagcl
                  I also noticed that it playsback as "Mono". So, can i believe that the channel
                  info is carried to the sound card and the sound card splits it into multi-channels?

                  Apparently, its a one-way street and you cannot convert back to 16 from 24
                  bit. Well, you can but there are a lot of skips, enough to make the song useless.
                  So, no problem, just keep the originals backedup in a safe place.

                  Mono? Was your mp3 file originally from a mono wav? Then all that happens is you probably get the same thing on all channels.


                  • savagcl
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Aug 2004
                    • 439

                    Re: 24 bit conversion/6(5.1) channels but?

                    No, the original MP3 was defined as Joint-Stereo.

                    The first conversion (mp3 to wav) was where i see it first. That conversion
                    was from mp3 to wav @ 44100, 6 channel, 16 bit, PCM........



                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44895

                      Re: 24 bit conversion/6(5.1) channels but?

                      It is possible that the creative sound driver will only play 2 channel audio from the two speakers on a 5.1 system, so converting to 5.1 will give audio in all speakers (even if it is not true 5.1).

                      I am wanting to create a DSP effect for dap that will do this also.


                      • ChristinaS
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Apr 2004
                        • 4097

                        Re: 24 bit conversion/6(5.1) channels but?

                        Originally posted by savagcl
                        I Converted a file from MP3 to WAV

                        But when i play it, i see: 44KHZ and 635 KBPS. 635 is a little over the 192 kbps so was just wondering - does this sound right?
                        OK, in view of what you said about the mp3 that it was joint stereo, the wav's bit rate of 635kbps sounds about right for a mono. A 2-channel stereo would come in at about 1300-1400 kbps.

                        Did you perhaps use the setting Channels as source for your first conversion from mp3 to 16-bit wav? My understanding is that joint stereo is really mono with a bit of extra information to differentiate between the 2 channels.


                        • savagcl
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Aug 2004
                          • 439

                          Re: 24 bit conversion/6(5.1) channels but?

                          I remember using "Channels as source" once but i only got noise as output. Since
                          I wasn't sure of the definition, i didnt try it except that once and then deleted that output.

                          I'll keep trying different combo's until i find one that works.

                          I know spoon's plate is full, but the help files are really in need of some work and
                          some definitions could be created.



                          • Spoon
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 44895

                            Re: 24 bit conversion/6(5.1) channels but?

                            ...I am writing the new dMC help files, have been for about 3 weeks (very boring job), almost done


                            • savagcl
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • Aug 2004
                              • 439

                              Re: 24 bit conversion/6(5.1) channels but?

                              Thanks Spoon.

                              I know the feeling but as they say, "The job's no over untill the paper work is

                              I spent a lot of hours sleeping at my desk while trying to do documentation for
                              something thats already been fielded.


