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accurate rip problem

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  • Bane

    • Nov 2004
    • 14

    accurate rip problem

    I am experiencing a problem where nearly every cd has an inaccurate rip. It is always the last track on the CD, anyone have any ideas as to what I can do about this?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: accurate rip problem

    Unless the confidence of that last track rip is more than 2 you don't know if yours is right or theirs.


    • Bane

      • Nov 2004
      • 14

      Re: accurate rip problem

      At what confidence level, should I start to worry about affects on sound quality?



      • LtData
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • May 2004
        • 8288

        Re: accurate rip problem

        Normally a confidence level of 2 or above, as spoon said, is enough to show that your rip doesn't match the rips 2 or more other people got.


        • Bane

          • Nov 2004
          • 14

          Re: accurate rip problem

          Whcih again brings back the question... What can be done about it?


          • LtData
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • May 2004
            • 8288

            Re: accurate rip problem

            All that can be done, realistically, is listen to the rip youself and see if it has any errors and examine the CD you ripped. If both are fine, submit your results.
            In Audio CD Input, click the arrow beside "Options" and then click "Submit AccurateRip Results" and click "Submit Now". Note that you will need to be connected to the internet for this to work. Also, in the "Submit" window, do you see a radio button for "Internet HTTP" under "Submit Via" or just e-mail. If you just see an e-mail option, go to and download the newest AccurateRip dll that allows HTTP submission. While your there, download the new database that was updated Nov. 9.


            • btocher

              • May 2005
              • 7

              Re: accurate rip problem

              Hi folks

              I'm having the same problem with the last track on a number of CDs. They rip fine, and match entries in the AccurateRip database 100%, using Exact Audio Copy. I get the same error on two completely different drives.

              Here's an example log from dbpowerAMP:

              Track Ripping Status [Disc ID: 002566bf-be0f740f]

              1 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [4834318e]
              2 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [3e19f98c]
              3 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [87b9abfc]
              4 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [a118993d]
              5 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [f3c16681]
              6 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [a64d15d1]
              7 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [dfb57380]
              8 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [cb6009b8]
              9 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [ae56b45e]
              10 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [c22e696d]
              11 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [d4057ca5]
              12 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [15af1405]
              13 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [eb5986d5]
              14 Accurately Ripped (confidence 2) [24eb601e]
              15 ** Rip not accurate ** (confidence 2) [e42175b4] [f0287400]


              Track(s) Accurately Ripped: 14
              **** Track(s) Not Ripped Accurately: 1 ****
              Track(s) Not in Database: 0

              Given that I've just registered dbpowerAMP (I think it's an excellent program for file conversion), and I prefer its interface, what can I do to get 100% matching rips?




              • LtData
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • May 2004
                • 8288

                Re: accurate rip problem

                Check the CD for scratches or other imperfections and try checking "Slow Ripping" in Options.


                • btocher

                  • May 2005
                  • 7

                  Re: accurate rip problem

                  Thanks for the suggestions, LtData - much appreciated.

                  There are no visible scratches on either CD (I'm VERY careful with my CDs). I've tried "Slow ripping" and ended up with two tracks showing an error instead of just the last track (for example, track 2 and the last track are showing errors doing it this way).

                  Have you any other suggestions? Happy to try anything anyone might suggest.



                  • LtData
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • May 2004
                    • 8288

                    Re: accurate rip problem

                    One more thing to check for: are there areas on the CD that look like lots of little bubbles? This happened to some of my music and game CDs, apparently when they got too hot at some point or another.

                    Also, do you have access to another optical drive or another computer where you can try ripping it there?


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44825

                      Re: accurate rip problem

                      The CD drive must have a problem reading last track if all CD discs do it.


                      • geewhiz

                        • Jun 2005
                        • 1

                        Re: accurate rip problem

                        The CD drive must have a problem reading last track if all CD discs do it.

                        I'm having this same problem. On many CDs I get an AccurateRip error on the first track and on ALL CDs I get an error on the last track. I am on a new system which has an NEC 3520A drive. My previous system had a LITE-ON drive and had some problems but not so consistently (see * below). I thought maybe there was a problem with this NEC drive, but I get perfect results with the same CD and drive if I use EAC with AccurateRip. Seems like dMC is making a different decision about what data to include in the last track than EAC.

                        * I saw some problems with my old setup getting correct signatures for the first and last tracks, but I think this was an early problem with AccurateRip. They had some problem with their codes and did a purge of the values for the first and last tracks. However, the current database seems to have valid data.


