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Custom explorer context menu?

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  • windinthew

    • Aug 2004
    • 15

    Custom explorer context menu?

    is it possible to pass a file to dbpoweramp converter by adding your own explorer context menu item? Of course I know the program has shell integration of its own.... but usually I use a program to create my own entries as it can colour these and its a lot easier on the eye to find. I tried "path to converter.exe" "%L" but it only opens the converter's open file dialog, not pass the file to it,

    thanks for any advice
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: Custom explorer context menu?

    You could do it with a .vbs script file.


    • windinthew

      • Aug 2004
      • 15

      Hello Spoon , I have opened some .vbs files to look but am no expert. Can you explain more please? Do you mean that in the action I set the path to a .vbs script not the path to the program? If so, what should be in the script? Also when I say I tried using %L% as the parameter I did not use DDE .. would that have helped?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44840

        Re: Custom explorer context menu?

        Depends upon what you want to do, from VBS script you can control Music Converter, see the example script in developer.


        • windinthew

          • Aug 2004
          • 15

          thanks for your answer. I looked at Developer and the VBS script but all I wanted to do was right click on say a specific mp3 file with my own context menu item ... and then have converter open that file I right clicked on (just like it does when I use the built in "convert" shell extension). Example: I made my own "edit" context menu item for mp3 which, on right click, opens the file in an audio editor using the action "path to converter" "%L%. I was asking what the syntax was to pass the file I am right clicking on to the converter? Hope this is clearer. Many thanks


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44840

            Re: Custom explorer context menu?

            It is not possible to pass files on the command line.


            • windinthew

              • Aug 2004
              • 15

              Hello Spoon, OK but the dll (dbshell??) that controls your shell integration passes the file right clicked on to converter, so it can be done, and this is the only program I found so far where the file can't be passed to the program as a right click context menu item with <path> and <%L%>.... you know what I mean of course.... by adding an entry under mp3 and other file types to Windows folder options>file types



              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44840

                Re: Custom explorer context menu?

                It is easier to program a .vbs script rather than program something to interface with dbshell.dll


                • windinthew

                  • Aug 2004
                  • 15

                  Re: Custom explorer context menu?

                  But I thought you said Spoon that it was not possible to right click a media file and pass it to a VBS script? Editing the script every time to reflect the file I want to convert is more trouble than its worth unless I want to do other fancy things with the script (which I don't) ... can you explain more?


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44840

                    Re: Custom explorer context menu?

                    Your installed explorer menu can pass something to any program ie:

                    "c:\avbsscript.vbs" c:\filerightclicked.mp3

                    from the vbs script you can tell what file was passed and pass it onto dbpoweramps com object.

