I've been happily using db for some time now to convert WAVE to mp3. A few months ago I tried poweramp, it did not do what I wanted so have not bought it and the trial has expired. Now, this is very strange, but all CDs written in mp3 since then have had the echo problem.
Here's what I was doing, before and after poweramp. Moved a bunch of files to mp3Gain to volume normalize, then to audio cleaning lab 3.0 for final rice crispies check, then to a new folder in WAVE, then converted with db to mp3, then to audio cleaning labs CD burner to burn in mp3.
Many songs have an echo on playback and the vocals are the worst, particulary noticeable with one voice on high notes. But instrumental sections also echo. Get the same playback phenomenon on the computer as on the JVC mp3 player. Does not matter if the JVC player is set to POP, Classical or nothing, still get the echo although it can be reduced somewhat. The nothing setting is preferable as songs being recorded are a mix of genre and most were recorded by me from LPs.
Any ideas what could be causing this?
Here's what I was doing, before and after poweramp. Moved a bunch of files to mp3Gain to volume normalize, then to audio cleaning lab 3.0 for final rice crispies check, then to a new folder in WAVE, then converted with db to mp3, then to audio cleaning labs CD burner to burn in mp3.
Many songs have an echo on playback and the vocals are the worst, particulary noticeable with one voice on high notes. But instrumental sections also echo. Get the same playback phenomenon on the computer as on the JVC mp3 player. Does not matter if the JVC player is set to POP, Classical or nothing, still get the echo although it can be reduced somewhat. The nothing setting is preferable as songs being recorded are a mix of genre and most were recorded by me from LPs.
Any ideas what could be causing this?