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ID3 tags becomes unreadable after editing

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  • Unregistered

    ID3 tags becomes unreadable after editing

    I'm using dmc 10.1/powerpack 3 and rip to ogg and download to an iriver h100. A strange thing occur than: First time a file is ripped and written to the player and I use the iriver database update uitility (in order to use id3-info for navigation) everything works fine. If a later edit the tag by rigtklicking the file on the player the info will change as expected and the player will recognize new info when playing the file. However, if I , after altering a tag value update the database once again, the file is not searchible any longer. The edited feilde becomes "unknwonw" on my player.

    May quesation is know: Does DMC writes tag info to a file in dofferent ways depending on if it is the first time (at ripping) or via the edit tag functionality? If so, can do something to get this working?

    /a geust
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44895

    Re: ID3 tags becomes unreadable after editing

    At any time if you hold the mouse over the file, does dbpoweramp show the right tag. I had read that the iRiver of ogg was not 100% fully complete (ie working).


    • Unregistered

      Re: ID3 tags becomes unreadable after editing

      Yes, the popup always shows the right information.

      I forgotten to mention that when I use another program, e.g. winamp or even edit the file directly (notepad for instance) to change tag info, every thing behave as expected. Thats way I am a little bit suspicious on DMC.

      A Guest


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44895

        Re: ID3 tags becomes unreadable after editing

        Try dMC R11 (in beta section) and the Ogg 1.1.0 (beta also) they have slight changes to tag writing.


        • Unregistered

          Re: ID3 tags becomes unreadable after editing


          I've installed the beta version of both dmc and ogg decoder. Do you have any suggestions on suitable settings. A bunch of new options appeared in "ID Tag options". The default setting (smart Ape2 & ID3v2; v.1.1; yes; no; no; v2.3) turns may situation even worse; know I cant update the database at all, e.g. a got an error message saying "no db". A reasonable interpretation is that the db manager does understand tag info at all.

          /A Guest


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44895

            Re: ID3 tags becomes unreadable after editing

            They are only for Mp3, ogg always uses Ogg tags, no options there.


            • Freko

              • Oct 2004
              • 2

              Re: ID3 tags becomes unreadable after editing

              Hi agian Spoon,
              (from being "A Guest" I know turned into "Freko)

              I've been studying a little seens last time. I read the Ogg Vorbis spec and understood a lot: An Ogg file consist of pages of which the second page contains somthing called comment vectors, preferably to be used for ID tag info. Each comment vector is of lv-type, and is split in a field name follwed by '=' and a value. The field name is commonly used for tag-name and the value holds the tag info string. It is the field name that is our subject of intereset. Am I right?

              So I used a hex-editor to study these comment vectors in order to sort out what is heppening while editing tag info. What I than found out was that dMC alters the value of the field name from (immediately after ripping) being solely upper case ('ARTIST=', 'ALBUM=', etc.), to becoming initial caps ('Artist=', 'Album=', etc.) when editing the tag (by means of right clicking the file in question). That's my problem. I now realize that IRiver database manager can not handle initial cabs field names. If I revert the field names to uppercase with my hex-editor, everything works fine. Of cource I must change the checksum for that second ogg-page in order to make the information readable by dMC (Iriver does not seems to evaluate the checksum - at least not for the second page - neither the player nor the database manager).

              I can't figure out the reason why field names must be altered when editing. As long the same tags remain and it is only the tag info that changes, it seems as the most straight forward implementation the left the field names untouched. Do you think it is possible to make such change of the dmc, so I can continue using it. I really like the program and doesn't want to go for another tag editor.




              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44895

                Re: ID3 tags becomes unreadable after editing

                I thought the Ogg 1.1.0 (dMC Beta) no longer does that, saw that old code but it was updated to a new standard and I should have been removed.


                • Freko

                  • Oct 2004
                  • 2

                  Re: ID3 tags becomes unreadable after editing

                  What does that mean? Is it possible to get it changed (according to my wish)?



                  • Hi-Fi

                    • Nov 2004
                    • 1

                    Re: ID3 tags becomes unreadable after editing

                    Hi, Glad I found this thread!
                    I have a very similar problem to Freko's - quote from the first post in this thread "I'm using dmc 10.1/powerpack 3 and rip to ogg and download to an iriver h100."
                    If the ripped CD details are available from Freedb, the iRiver 'Add Music to DB' or 'Update Db file' works fine.
                    If I manually create tags using the Powerpack tag editor to enter Album/Artist/Track tag info, the tracks are not recognised by the iRiver Database update; all files' No DB'.

                    As mentioned by Freko, I also have the "first letter Upper Case for Album, Artist and Track" problem. This can be seen in the window appearing when hovering over a track in explorer, as well as with a File Editor. IF I edit the ARTIST, ALBUM, TRACK fieldnames to be upper case, then the track can be added to the Iriver DB ok - BUT then examining the track with Tag editor shows empty fields??

                    Not sure what is happening here, but would appreciate a fix!



                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44895

                      Re: ID3 tags becomes unreadable after editing

                      Send one ogg file that works right with iRiver, and a dBpowerAMP one that does not (same file after editing would be great), to:


