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Help....cant convert music!!!

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  • confused1111

    • Sep 2004
    • 2

    Help....cant convert music!!!

    I have a major problem here. I go into dbpowerAMP to convert.....anything. and I choose all the settings I want, then I clikc convert, and it says converting music, and it takes like no time at all, then i go to the place where I told it to output my convetrted music, and nothigns there!!! pleaqse somebody help!!!!
  • xoas
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2002
    • 2662

    Re: Help....cant convert music!!!

    You wouldn't by chance have selected the option to delete source files after conversion (in which case you might be mistaking your new file for the old one) would you have?
    Otherwise, have you tried your file search (or find) feature to try to locate your new files?
    If neither of these apply, could you tell us what you are converting to what in terms of formats, frequencies, bitrates?
    Best wishes,
    Bill Mikkelsen


    • confused1111

      • Sep 2004
      • 2

      Re: Help....cant convert music!!!

      I dont think its that.....but when I right click on the song and click "convert to" to bring up dbAMP it says "converting 0 files" so it obviously cant see the files maybe??
      I haver tried with jsut about every format....mp3, wav, wma, ogg, ect.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44840

        Re: Help....cant convert music!!!

        Converting what to what?


        • prosayist

          • Apr 2006
          • 3

          Re: Help....cant convert music!!!

          Forgive me for my resurrection of this very old thread especially if it's already been answered somewhere else (if so, please point me in that direction), but I'm having the same problem and it seems that whenever 'you' experience a problem with something and go researching the answer, google mostly shows results leading to forums with people that describe the same problem and it's frustrating to never find an answer. [/rant] (sorry)

          Right click an mp3 file -
          choose 'convert to...' -
          ignore the fact that the resulting dbpowerAMP box shows "converting 0 files to" and choose mp3 (I'm converting 64k mp3 to 32k mp3 - not that it matters at all, I don't really want to convert zero files to anything)
          click the 'Convert>>' button and the window with the progress indicator flashes on (rather than slowly/steadily progressing to the right, this line is drawn very quickly)

          I could try (futile) to convert this to a different format but it would, instead of converting zero files to mp3 format, only convert zero files to wav/ogg/etc format.

          The confirmation dialog shows 'successfully converted 0 files to mp3' (or something like that) but, of course, there are no files in the specified location..

          I have had dbpoweramp installed before, I've actually had this instance working fine for a long time but lately it's stopped working.

          Now I know everyone's gonna think I'm stupid or something (always in a support forum) so I'll say right now that "no, I didn't select the option to delete source files after conversion" and "no, I didn't search for the files that are not there" and "yes, I did install a standalone program in it's own folder and it didn't make any registry entries", "yes, I've tried restarting my computer" and "yes, I've uninstalled/reinstalled this same program about a dozen times with the same results"

          I can see that confused1111's actual problem was never actually answered in this forum. Maybe he got an answer but I'll likely never know as it's not written down anywhere (not here). I've addressed xoas's questions in the previous paragraph and confused1111 has already addressed, in the third post of this thread, Spoon's question as did I (listed under "it doesn't matter to what format is being converted if there are zero files to convert", see above)

          Can anyone please provide an answer here?



          • LtData
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • May 2004
            • 8288

            Re: Help....cant convert music!!!

            Does it do this with any mp3 file you try?
            Will dMC work with other file types, such as wma or FLAC or something else?
            Can you play these mp3 files?
            Are you using dMC r11.5? Version numbers are in dMC Configuration ( Start --> Programs --> dBpowerAMP Music Converter --> Configuration --> dMC Configuration).


            • prosayist

              • Apr 2006
              • 3

              Re: Help....cant convert music!!!

              yes, any mp3 file.

              I haven't tried FLAC but have tried with a wav and a wma and presumably others are no different.

              Yes, the files play and work in every other way. The issue has nothing to do with the files I'm trying to convert but rather with the dmc application itself or the configuration thereof. If you say to a program "work on these 3 files" and the program says back to you "ok, I'm gonna work on these zero files", that indicates a conflict of communication to the program itself.

              I am using dMC r11.5

              thanks for your reply,


              • xoas
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Apr 2002
                • 2662

                Re: Help....cant convert music!!!

                First, I would like to mention that unless somebody posts back either to provide feedback on the advice given, we who give advice generally don't know the results of our advice either. And this is frustrating for us too (although admittedly not as frustrating as it is for those using the Forum's search feature to try to find answers to problems they are having at the moment, but who run into incomplete threads).

                Second, your problem MAY be different from Confused1111's in that he fails to note the "O files converting" and "0 files converted" messages that you mention. Confused might also have been experiencing this but he did not mention it and we don't know if it happened.

                What you might want to do is to see if the problem is with your output settings. If you go to convert a wave file to pm3 at 96 kbs, or even 64 bit, does this problems still occur? If you try to convert an mp3 file to 64 or 96 kbs, does the problem still occur? If you choose to test convert some files do you still get the "0 files" messages? Test conversion is same as a regular conversion except that instead of choosing mp3 or wave as output formats you select "Test Conversion (No Write)"-this will not create an output file but will tell you if dMC can work with the file or not, but be alert for the "0 files" messages.

                If the problem still persists despite changing the output settings, I would imagine that therre is a problem with your Windows shell integration. You can check your dMC Configuration (Start>All Programs>dBpowerAMP Music COnverter>Configuration>dBpowerAMP Music Converter Configuration) to make sure that Right-Click Convert To is enabled (which should be the case). If it is, you might want to disable this feature, restart your computer and then re-enable it to see if this makes any difference.

                Another diagnostic would be to see whether you get the same results if you try to rip files from CD using the Audio CD Input interface and also whether you get the same result if you first open dMC, then select files for conversion.

                If you don't want to tinker, the fact that dMC was working ok and now it isn't suggests that you would not be too terribly over-reating to do a complete uninstall procedure (as described in Razgo's FAQ on Uninstall Issues here: ). This should work unless you have some other program interfering with dMC (I don't recall hearing of any with the problems you describe) or if your problem is one or more corrupt audio files (the point of my earlier questions). But if you are a shoot-first ask questions later type of person you might want to start with this solution first.

                Let us know how you make out. Please be as descriptive and methodical as you can in describing what you tried if you should need further help.

                Best wishes,


                • xoas
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Apr 2002
                  • 2662

                  Re: Help....cant convert music!!!

                  One additional thought:
                  The symptoms you describe might come about if dMC was installed without administrative privileges (if you are the sole or principal user of the computer this is unlikely but if the primary user of the computer is someone else this is a distinct possibility).



                  • prosayist

                    • Apr 2006
                    • 3

                    Re: Help....cant convert music!!!

                    Firstly, I would like to say "Thank you, sir, for your reply." As far as the original poster not posting the results of his predicament, in this particular thread, I have some suggestions as to why confused1111 didn't reply here (see below).

                    Secondly, regardless of the unfinished nature of his description of the problem, I surmise that my problem is absolutely no different from Confused1111's. You say he fails to note the "O files converting" but I see differently in that his second post dated "09-30-2004, 01:00 PM" (third from the top of this page) he says when I right click on the song and click "convert to" to bring up dbAMP it says "converting 0 files". Therefore, he did mention it and hence we do know if it happened. It did.

                    This thing is obviously nothing to do with the output settings as, before I even am able to choose my output settings or any other options, dmc tells me it's working with nothing (from which I cannot get something)

                    Perhaps he did not post his results because he couldn't get any help here? By that I mean, it seems that you either did not understand his problem or maybe something else as you guys seemingly ignore what he said and ask the same question although he already answered exactly prior (as below):

                    [COLOR=Blue]confused1111[/COLOR] - "I go into dbpowerAMP to convert.....anything"

                    [COLOR=Indigo]Spoon[/COLOR] - "converting what?"

                    [COLOR=Blue]confused1111[/COLOR] - "I haver tried with jsut about every format....mp3, wav, wma, ogg, ect."

                    [COLOR=Indigo]LtData[/COLOR] - "Will dMC work with other file types, such as wma or FLAC or something else?"

                    [COLOR=Blue]confused1111[/COLOR] - ".. it says "converting 0 files"..."

                    [COLOR=Indigo]xoas[/COLOR] - " Confused1111.. fails to note the "O files converting"... "

                    Our problem (mine, confused1111's) is encountered before any options are set.


                    1) right click 64k mp3 file (or any other bitrate/filetype) with the intent of converting to 32k mp3 file (or any other bitrate/filetype)
                    2) dmc window opens and shows 'converting 0 files to' [Mp3 (Lame)] (or any other option - it does not matter, as soon as the window comes up, it says "0 files") Obviously, to me though maybe not so much to you, dmc doesn't know it's converting any files.
                    3) ignore the blatant error (no dialog alert yet only as stated directly above)
                    4) click 'Convert>>'
                    5) window flashes (opens and subsequently closes immediately)
                    (I took a screenshot of this action so I could see what the window says

                    [0%] dBpowerAMP Music Converter
                    Action: Calculating %
                    0% Completed
                    Conversion Completed in 0 Seconds
                    Priority [Normal ] [Cancel] [[COLOR=Gray]Finished[/COLOR]]

                    6) check specified output location to verify that the file was in fact not created ex nihilo
                    7) verified

                    In answer to your 'additional thought':

                    I am the sole user of this computer, logged on with full administrative priveleges. dMC has worked before but suddenly stopped one day (don't remember when, see my first post in this thread of ' 04-28-2006, 10:15 PM' for applicable details)

                    I have un/reinstalled this program multiple times, even removing every reference to dbpoweramp in the registry in between installations (after un-, before re- )
                    OS is Windows 2000 with all available updates
                    Last edited by prosayist; May 30, 2006, 02:47 AM.


                    • ChristinaS
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Apr 2004
                      • 4097

                      Re: Help....cant convert music!!!

                      I will venture a guess that you may have installed some other piece of software (audio or video related) which has kicked it out of kilter. You could check to see what you installed around the time it stopped working.

                      You can do a full uninstall complete with registry cleaning and then re-install dMC and all codecs you need, from fresh downloads. I hope you have a copy of the registered dMC that you can install.


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44840

                        Re: Help....cant convert music!!!

                        Try uninstall, reboot and remove anything from the dbpoweramp folder.

