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Multichannel WMA Decoding (sorry for err. Crossposting)

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  • ottob

    Multichannel WMA Decoding (sorry for err. Crossposting)

    Hi all,

    I try to convert 5.1 (discrete surround mutlichannel) wma files (encoded with WMA9 Professional algorithm) to 6 monowave files.
    Although it seems alright in the dmc (source file 5.1 wma, destination file WAV 5.1), the resulting huge wav file is NOT a extended wav file (necessary for 5.1 support).
    When I load this huge wav into NUENDO to split it up into 6 mono wav files, the result are 6 files, but only with 3 times Stereo instead of the real surround channels.

    please be so kind to try this and gie us some feedback on 5.1 WMA decoding. The source file is here
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    I downloaded it with SDP and also with NetTransport as an alternative. File is fine, I can play back multichannel via Windows Media Player. but I need WAV files to burn it do DVD for our internal listening tests in a radio production studio.

    thanks to all.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Multichannel WMA Decoding (sorry for err. Crossposting)

    If using dMC R10 or above in the wave options set the Channels to [as source] you should get 6 channels if the source is 6 channels.


    • ottob

      Re: Multichannel WMA Decoding (sorry for err. Crossposting)

      Thank you for the fast reply,

      i tried this already, but this gives me a wav file with 2 channels only.
      The wma is definitely 5.1, I confirmed it via playback, via the wma header (resource kit) and also with the producer of the wma (sound engineer from bbc radio4).

      I have the wma encoder installed on a machine here anyway, so i will conduct further tests. As dbPoweramp seems to be the ONLY application which cares about multichannel audio (and is able to decode multichannel to wav), it would be a good "marketing" point if this works.

      I digged in every MS SDK, every audio app i have so far (and those are many..) but yours was the only one where i have some hope it will work.

      Thanks for all the good work,


      • ottob

        Re: Multichannel WMA Decoding

        To everyone interested (and also to spoon , of course):

        I just tested the whole procedure with my own locally created 5.1 wma soundfile (and yes, it is a 5.1 file for sure):

        - decoding with dmc10 with wav option "same as source" gives me a stereo wav only (checked with Nuendo and with Wavelab).

        - decoding with dmc10 with wav option "6(5.1)" gives me a 6-channel wav-file, but in channels 1, 3, and 5 there is the Left channel, in channels 2, 4, and 6 there is the right channel (checked with Nuendo and Samplitude).

        thanks for any advice on how to proceed,


        • mccg

          Re: Multichannel WMA Decoding

          I have been trying everything to decode this file too....

          I only have stereo on my PC, so I want to get this onto my DVD player somehow!

          I have downloaded every conversion program I could find, and googled lots, and I have found the same as you...
          dbPowerAmp is the first one I have found that will handle multichannel files.
          The "6(5.1)" ch WAV output appears to produce 3 identical stereo channels, and "same as source" only gives a Stereo file.

          I would realy like a solution....



          • ottob

            Re: Multichannel WMA Decoding

            hi mccg,

            good to have a confirmation of the status. As the implementation in dmc is very close to "how it should be", I also hope that it is only a small fix to decode all 6 channels properly.

            thank you mr. spoon if you find the time to look into this,


            • ottob

              Re: Multichannel WMA Decoding

              Hi all,

              to keep the topic alive, I kindly ask you to try out WMA 5.1 Decoding with your setup. As "mccg" and myself cannot convert to 6 discrete channels, any confirmation, advice or pointing to another app which can do this would be highly welcome.

              I found a note from Mr. Spoon from August 25th in the Beta zone, regarding the Windows Media Audio 9 Codec R2:

              ** there is a issue with reading 24 bit or 6 channel audio files, they seem to come out as 2 channel 16 bit, this is being looked into **

              so it seems some evidence of the probleme occured already.
              thanks, karl.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44825

                Re: Multichannel WMA Decoding

                Yes I asked for support (that question) from microsoft - and guess what I got nothing - so I am not going to crawl hands and knees to the developers at microsoft. BTW the email address of the development manager @ microsoft wma is:


                Express your distaste for microsofts support for their own wma format there (BTW WMA is downloaded a few 100,000 times per year, that is what you get from microsoft for supporting them)...


                • ottob

                  Re: Multichannel WMA Decoding

                  Dear Mr. Spoon,

                  thanks a lot for your open reply and your time to look into this matter. Yes, I fully understand the point, I also had good contacts to MS WMA staff here in Europe, but after I while I found out they do not really know or are not able to help with specific audio matters within WMA9Porfessional.
                  I am a radio broadcast engineer, and I thin I really know this business quite well, we wanted to set up LIVE 5.1 Streaming with WMA9prof, but since 1 Year MS keeps us waiting with the answerm if this might be available some day..... Its unbelievable that on one hand they invest so much into designing and marketing (Windows Media Center etc....), and on the other hand there is no real support and insight into comlicated matters.

                  I will adress the product manager in Europe and the one you named ASAP, but I agree there is little hope of success..

                  Thanks anyway, I´ll let you know of any outcome,


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44825

                    Re: Multichannel WMA Decoding

                    If you can put me in contact with anyone technical to do with WMA I am sure something can happen.


                    • ottob

                      • Oct 2004
                      • 1

                      Multichannel WMA Decoding

                      I scheduled a meeting with my local MS Media systems engineer on thursday. He will be in Redmond in the week from oct. 11th, and should be able to communicate the questions to someone at the core team. I will inform you of any outcome.


                      • Scuba

                        • May 2005
                        • 2

                        Re: Multichannel WMA Decoding (sorry for err. Crossposting)

                        With the updates to DMC and WMA 9.1 codecs, is there any movement on this issue???
                        I also have the 5.1 Real Audio versions of these same source files (Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy Radio Plays, new and final series currently being broadcast and available to stream here ).

                        I do not have a 5.1 soundcard on my PC and I'm hoping to convert the 5.1 files to AC-3 for playback on a DVD player... (I hope this will not be a hiccup.

                        I have already sorted out converting the 6 resultant Wav files to AC-3 and then to DVD...all I need are the 6 Wav Files!!!!!


                        • Spoon
                          • Apr 2002
                          • 44825

                          Re: Multichannel WMA Decoding (sorry for err. Crossposting)

                          No help was forthcoming from Microsoft....


                          • Scuba

                            • May 2005
                            • 2

                            Re: Multichannel WMA Decoding (sorry for err. Crossposting)

                            It is possible to convert WMA Multichannel using Adobe Audition (I have not tried to other programs listed)....
                            there is a thread on
                            ...I have a WMA 5.1 channel recording which I would like to re-record to a different 5.1 format. Anyone know how I could get the WMA file into something like Nuendo to play with each channel - thus allowing me to tinker and then run through another decoder, like a DTS one? Tried fiddling with...

                            dealing with this exact topic, it's a pity that dmc can't do the same job at this stage.
                            I am still stuck with Real Audio files however as I was unable to download any of the Tertiary Phase Episodes from the BBC mms server.
                            I have since switched ISP's and I now have no trouble...

                            I have since actually tried converting rather than simply previewing and I can only convert the first 5 minutes using Audition Trial..... (I don't think the trial is crippled, it is time limited)
                            Last edited by Scuba; May 13, 2005, 03:29 AM.


                            • MEmerton

                              • Dec 2004
                              • 33

                              Re: Multichannel WMA Decoding (sorry for err. Crossposting)

                              No, the as far as i can remember, the tiral of audition is crippled in length of export (unlike Cool Edit PRO, where you had 30 days of full use of selected segments (chosen at start up)

                              The full version of both Cool Edit Pro 2.1 and Adobe Audition 1.5 can export over 5 minuets...I tested with a 13 minuet file.

