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How do you do this?

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  • brds16

    • Sep 2004
    • 13

    How do you do this?

    I am using dMC Audio CD input to rip my CD's into a dedicated hard drive in my Dell/XPpro . I must say, the interface is not for those who require “user friendly, ” let alone “dummy friendly”. I feel so all alone with my computer…(appropriate smiley here)

    AT the risk of sounding stupid, do my CDs get ripped pell mell into my f:drive (or perhaps a folder in my f; drive) to then be sorted and manipulated with a well chosen library software ? Or do I install the library software which then becomes the repository for my music and catalogs my music as it comes in, into the tags that I have customized.

    In either case, I need a flac supportive library tool that offers me some flexibility. I would like to categorize my classical music using as many as 13 tags. Most that I have seen seem to give only about 6 or so (track #, name of song, genres, artist, album, and time) which leaves no place to put composer, performer, conductor, orchestra, etc... can anyone help me here?
  • Razgo
    • Apr 2002
    • 2532

    Re: How do you do this?

    well firstly don't panic as your not alone here. we can go one step at a time until your statisfied you got everything working.

    the first thing is dmc audio cd input will rip your music to wherever you tell it to.

    example: the "rip to" folder is the folder you make on your hardrive for your music to be ripped to. the "file creation" is what you select how your music will be cataloged , in this case it would make a folder based on the album name and the name of the artist as part of the track name. like: tracy chapman-fastcar.flac
    Last edited by Spoons; September 28, 2004, 05:22 AM.


    • brds16

      • Sep 2004
      • 13

      Re: How do you do this?

      Thanks for being there so early/late. OK: Options, from the top. "Rip to Folder" is now F:\Bert's Music. "File Creations" does bring up some questions: The File name elements: there are too few of them (can I add more elements?) and I'd love to rename them; [Artist] would be [Composer] for example. While on the subject, I've been warned that this kind of data base can be a probem in that it classifies tracks alphabetically. The problem is that, as you may know, symphonies for example can have as many as 4 movements, each typically recorded on a separate tracks. It wouldn't do to organize these tracks alphabetically where tracks are scattered all over the place. Is there a work-around?
      Then again, I've checked "Retrieve Title": I suppose that has to do with tags and metadata in some way; I am not sure how that works yet, but I'll see it in due time. I am however a bit intimidated by the "Select Freedb" thing and the "Status" thing; And what about "AR"? Enable? Not? send results? to whom?
      I also have a bigger question: I want to rip in flac for home use (I want to play back through my home stereo using a device called Squeezebox to bridge between the computer and my HiFi amplifier). I'd also like to have the ability to occasionally burn back from my computer data base, a CD of my own to playback on my car stereo on long lonely trips. Would I have to rip twice in two diffferent formats? what would be best way to handle this?
      Last edited by brds16; September 28, 2004, 03:15 PM.


      • Razgo
        • Apr 2002
        • 2532

        Re: How do you do this?

        The File name elements: there are too few of them (can I add more elements?)
        Yes, just click on the SET button


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44669

          Re: How do you do this?


          Trouble with that one is composer is really only standard with itunes and m4a files, not mp3 or any other.


          • Razgo
            • Apr 2002
            • 2532

            Re: How do you do this?

            i didn't know there was such an element. i thought elements are like dictionary/lang words and then difined by the coder (you) as to what it looks for?

            I know Rossroy had the very same issues with organising "movements". but not sure what how he does it. hopefully he can shed some light on this one too.

            "AR" check out first then

            ripping to flac will enable you to convert to .wav so you can make an audio cd. so you would only need the .flac as it is just like a compresses .wav file.

            I am however a bit intimidated by the "Select Freedb" thing and the "Status" thing;
            don't be you will need to be connected to the interenet to use it or download the offline database. it will retrieve the title and track info of your cd , from a database on the internet saving you having to fill out the info.
            Last edited by Spoons; September 28, 2004, 09:02 PM.


            • Razgo
              • Apr 2002
              • 2532

              Re: How do you do this?

              Spoon, to define what i mean more, isn't it possible to make an element "[composer]" do exactly the same thing as "[artist]" ? the only difference is the name itself.


              • brds16

                • Sep 2004
                • 13

                Re: How do you do this?

                It isn't just about changing [artist] to [composer], it is also that there are not enough elements for my purposes. i'd like to classify by conductor, performer, instrument etc... Am I restricted to the elements/metadata tags used in the database? what if I was willing (I don't think I have a choice here) to enter that information manually. I just need the field to be available to enter the information into, and for it to be useful in sorting and manipulating. I tried to enter these field in the "set playlist creation" field. It took, but I have no idea what this does. Thanks for taking interest.


                • ChristinaS
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Apr 2004
                  • 4097

                  Re: How do you do this?

                  Concerning the freedb database and cd's containing classical music with different movements on separate tracks, I've recently encountered a problem whereby only the first movement of a symphony is available in the freedb database, while the information on the remaining 3 or 4 movements remains blank. This has forced me to set the track number as the first item in the file name when it's being ripped to, otherwise all the unnamed tracks are saved to the same file name, overwriting each other, or so it seemed, after ripping an entire cd. In the end I opted to rip individually the missed tracks and rename them manually.


                  • ChristinaS
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Apr 2004
                    • 4097

                    Re: How do you do this?

                    Originally posted by brds16
                    It isn't just about changing [artist] to [composer], it is also that there are not enough elements for my purposes. i'd like to classify by conductor, performer, instrument etc... Am I restricted to the elements/metadata tags used in the database? what if I was willing (I don't think I have a choice here) to enter that information manually. I just need the field to be available to enter the information into, and for it to be useful in sorting and manipulating. I tried to enter these field in the "set playlist creation" field. It took, but I have no idea what this does. Thanks for taking interest.
                    I don't know if this would help you, but you can create extra tag fields using the tag editor, when you right-click on a file name or a highlighted selection of file names within a folder, which is what Razgo was referring to in his earlier post.


                    • Spoon
                      • Apr 2002
                      • 44669

                      Re: How do you do this?

                      just to clarify only the tags listed are able to be used. [composer] cannot be used.

