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MusicConverter.exe has encountered a problem

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  • Sephethus

    • Sep 2004
    • 2

    MusicConverter.exe has encountered a problem

    Whenever I try to convert an m4a file (converted from m4p using hymn) to mp3 or wav I get an error with some details shown below:

    Exception Information
    Code: 0xc00000005 Flags: 0x00000000
    Record: 0x0000000000000000000000 Address 0x00000000014117c7

    System Information
    Windows NT 5.1 Build 2600

    Happens on two different computers running Windows XP SP2.

    Not sure what this is about, but it sure is annoying that nobody else on this board or anywhere else on the planet seems to have had this problem, ever. Anybody know? It happens the second it tries to start converting after hitting the convert button. Program shuts down afterward.
  • xoas
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2002
    • 2662

    Re: MusicConverter.exe has encountered a problem

    If this only started happening after you installed SP2, then uninstall and reinstall dMC. If that does not work, I would uninstall dMC and all dMC codecs involved, clear them from the registry, reboot the computer and reinstall.

    If you have already followed this procedure, I would look at whether this problem is confined to m4a conversions or if it affects other conversions as well. If this problem were to occur with any conversions (like mp3>wav or wav>mp3) I would consider repeating the uninstall/delete registry/reboot/reinstall procedure for each component of dMC.

    If you have no problems with other conversions, then I would look at whether this occurs with each m4a file or only with some m4a files, and I would consider your ability to convert mp4 files as well. And I would consider whether you have previously been able to convert m4a files. If you could in the past and cannot now, I would recommend uninstalling the codecs involved and reinstall them. If it only happens with some files, I would try to find any commonalities the "problem" files have in common and I would see if you can play them OK. If you cannot play them, I would consider the possibility that those files are corrupt. I would look at the tags to compare bitrates, frequency, bit settings, channel settings and I would check to make sure the tags contain appropriate file extensions and if there are any other traits in the tag information (for example, I have run into a problems with files which have a ; in the track name). Check dMC Configuration (Start>All Programs>dBpowerAMP Music Convertor>Configuration>dMC Configuration) to make sure it shows that it recognizes a codec for decoding mp4, m4a files. If not, you may need to reinstall your mp4/aac decoder codec to the default location (assuming you have installed all your other dMC components to their default locations, if you have not you will have to find the correct spot).

    I would look at the settings for your conversion. I would look at bitrate, frequency, bit setting and channels for the files you are trying to convert and for the files you are trying to create. Make sure that these are similar and that you are not trying to overcompress. You might also want to see if it helps to enable Professional Frequency Conversion (from dMC Configuration).

    If none of the above help, please let us know what version of dMC (dB Music Converter) you are using, what codecs you have installed, and any particular information about the file(s) and conversion settings that apply to these crashes.

    Please let us know how you make out.
    Best wishes,
    Bill Mikkelsen


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44840

      Re: MusicConverter.exe has encountered a problem

      Try playing the converted file in something else, it might not be a propper m4a file.


      • Sephethus

        • Sep 2004
        • 2

        Re: MusicConverter.exe has encountered a problem

        Actually I installed and first discovered the software after SP2 was installed. I wish I had other m4a's that I could use to test, these files came off ITunes and were converted from m4p to m4a using Hymn. I'll try and find some other m4a's to convert and see if it works with those.


        • spunch

          Re: MusicConverter.exe has encountered a problem

          Hey! I have the exact same problem, it seem to happen only with bigger M4A files, above 9mb or so... but I'm not sure. The strange thing is that the mp4.dll component is crashing it and from what I got, mp4.dll is based on faad, yet the latest faad in command prompt mode works just fine...

