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Converting wma to MP3

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  • MicroTech

    Converting wma to MP3

    I have legitimate files ripped from my cd’s done in wma format. After copying all the music files to the new hard drive, I’m getting the protection error and I know this is normal. I just want to get away from the wma and convert to mp3. Is there any way of doing this, even thru Media player or removing the protection?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    It is a bad idea on two counts, first the programs you would have to run are very shady, and you might be leaving yourself open to virus attack.

    Secondly it is generally a bad idea to convert from one lossy format (wma) to another (mp3) as the quality always degrades.

    You are far better re-ripping them.


    • MicroTech

      Thanx Spoon... I kinda figured as much. It just took so much time, theres over 1500 songs. I found that most will now play in Media Player again since I restored the drmv2key.bak but some won't. At least I think thats the file. It took me to and updated the file. But when I try to play some tracks, I get the "License could not be found" error and whats strange is that they were all ripped at the same time on the same machine. Anyway, thanx for the reply.. I guess I'll start re-ripping them again :(


