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Can't open mp3 file after editing tag

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  • Kaze25

    Can't open mp3 file after editing tag

    Hi, i have a version 9 music converter plus a registered version of powerpack 3.

    Recently after i edited the tag of a few mp3s, i can't open up the files. It said there is an error.

    The original id tag of the mp3s is ID3v2. After i renamed all the titles, artists, album names etc.....i can't open up the files. Can anyone help, thanks.
  • xoas
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2002
    • 2662

    Re: Can't open mp3 file after editing tag

    It said there is an error
    Could you send a copy of the error message?

    If you place your mouse over one of these converted files, does poup info still appear?
    If so, make a note of the type of tag this newly converted file has. Then go to dMC Configuration (Start>All Programs>dBpowerAMP Music Converter>Configuration>dMC Configuration) and check ID Tag Options to see whether you have configured your system to read the type of tag you created when you edited.

    If you don't get popup tag information (assuing you have this feature activated in dMC Configuration) and/or if the files with the edited tags are no longer recognized as music files (quick check, right-click on one of these files-if the menu that appears does not provide the option to Play the file or the Convert To option then it is probably not being recognized as a music file), then I would wonder whether you might have inadvertently dropped the file extension (in this case .mp3) from the file name when you were editing (right-clicking on the file and checking Properties would help confirm whether the file is being recognized as an mp3 file or not).

    If these files are being recognized as .mp3 files, where is it that you cannot open them?

    Please keep us posted on what you find out.
    Good luck and best wishes,
    Bill Mikkelsen


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44840

      Re: Can't open mp3 file after editing tag

      and maybe try the new R11 version of dMC, as tagging was rewritten (in the beta section this forum).

