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.ram to MP3

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  • Unregistered

    Re: .ram to MP3

    Hi ChristinaS!

    I´m glad to hear from dbpowerAMP Staff.
    Maybe you can tell me if dbpower makes a converter ".ram to .mp3",
    but converting, in a hurry, wich means quicker than realtime.
    I´m still searching for a decoder/encoder converter -
    not a player/recorder, working in realtime (I already got TotalRecorder).

    Reading FAQ is usually a waste of time.
    To much text and not finding my answers.

    To Stickler ;
    *.ram is an audiofile, at least used for spoken radioprograms, but also music in low quality (high compression). Not to be mixed upp with text files and Notepad.



    • Unregistered

      Re: .ram to MP3

      Originally posted by ChristinaS
      Could you please read the FAQ section? All of these questions are answered right there.
      Hi ChristinaS!

      I´m glad to hear from dbpowerAMP Staff.
      Maybe you can tell me if dbpower makes a converter ".ram to .mp3",
      but converting, in a hurry, wich means quicker than realtime.
      I´m still searching for a decoder/encoder converter -
      not a player/recorder, working in realtime (I already got TotalRecorder).

      Reading FAQ is usually a waste of time.
      To much text and not finding my answers.

      To Stickler ;
      *.ram is an audiofile, at least used for spoken radioprograms, but also music in low quality (high compression). Not to be mixed upp with text files and Notepad.



      • xoas
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2002
        • 2662

        Re: .ram to MP3

        The simple answer to your question is "No". dB does not have a converter to convert Real Audio files faster than realtime. The only possible exception to this would be if WinAmp had a plug-in to do this conversion faster than real time in which case dB with the WinAmp plug-in codec might be able to do it.
        I am not sure Stickler is wrong but I don't think that is really your issue at this point.
        Best wishes,
        Bill Mikkelsen


        • ChristinaS
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Apr 2004
          • 4097

          Re: .ram to MP3

          Originally posted by Unregistered
          Hi ChristinaS!

          I´m glad to hear from dbpowerAMP Staff.
          Maybe you can tell me if dbpower makes a converter ".ram to .mp3",
          but converting, in a hurry, wich means quicker than realtime.
          I´m still searching for a decoder/encoder converter -
          not a player/recorder, working in realtime (I already got TotalRecorder).

          Reading FAQ is usually a waste of time.
          To much text and not finding my answers.

          To Stickler ;
          *.ram is an audiofile, at least used for spoken radioprograms, but also music in low quality (high compression). Not to be mixed upp with text files and Notepad.

          The "Staff" label is rather a misnomer. I am not involved in the development of any of this great software, I only can offer a little help with the use of some of it.

          FYI, the .ram extension is supposed to represent a Real Audio meta-file (playlist-like), so it is a text file, by all means, containing a list of Real Media files, which usually have the extension .ra or .rm. Of, course with people renaming files to different extensions every which way trying to fool various programs, this may well no longer be the case for some files.

          Sorry to hear that you find the FAQ a waste of time. perhaps it can be said that it may have been a waste for time for those who took the trouble to write them, considering many people do not read them.

          The fact remains thet at present dMC can only convert Real Audio in real time.


          • xoas
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Apr 2002
            • 2662

            Re: .ram to MP3

            :yawn: [QUOTE]I´m glad to hear from dbpowerAMP Staff.[QUOTE]

            Reading FAQ is usually a waste of time.
            To much text and not finding my answers
            I want to go a little off-topic because of the forthright manner in which you have voiced your sentiments. These are sentiments which all of us have shared from time to time. We would like intelligent assistance for our problems in a timely fashion, we would like the assistance to be informative, we would like it to be tailored to our individual needs. And I want to make it clear that I am not belittling these sentiments. However, I would like to clarify some possible misunderstandings here.

            As to staff, dBpowerAMP is pretty exclusively the result of Spoon's efforts. This is not his day job. He has had some help from Darin (earlier in this thread, who has done some of the codec work) and others. Razgo gets credit (and rather too little, imho) for the website. It is not his day job either. A number of talented people have contributed to the development of skins for the audio player. Any other help comes from users just like you.

            Now, I don't know this for a fact but I assume that the other 3 people who have the title "dBpowerAMP Staff" under their names have had exactly the same experience I did. I logged on one day (less than a month ago), found I had the title "VIP Member" on a bright shiny button and, somewhat later found that I also had the title of Staff. There was no application form, no interview, and no salary or commission. We don't have any office. We don't have any manuals. We don't have any training or information sessions. We don't do lunch together or hold teleconferences. We have no set hours. We do not have assignments or caseloads. We are members of a community of users who have been singled out for our experience, our helpfulness and (at least in the other cases) our knowledge. We are not necessarily the most experienced, the most knowledgeable, the most helpful participants in these forums. But we were given these titles in the expectation that we would (continue to) go out and (continue to) use our powers for good in whatever manner we saw fit.

            I digress. The point is that we are not staff in the usual sense of the term. So when ChristinaS. advises users to check the FAQ's, she is expressing good advice. There are many things we can spend our time on and we tend to get an awful lot of people asking the same questions that someone asked (and got an answer to) 2 days ago and someone else asked about (and got an answer to) a day before that which maybe is very clearly outlined in documentation that people have at their fingertips.

            Now you are right. We have all spent too much time researching documentation, looking for answers to questions and found that what answers there are may be hard to track down, unclearly worded, and perhaps unfathomable. And yes, I do think users have a right to helpful, accurate and timely assistance for their issues. We all have an obligation to try to improve that as best we can. This includes, obviously, Spoon and Razgo (who more than do their share in this regard), it includes (at least speaking for myself) the "staff", it includes other users (who are more than free to help out where they can (and many do)), but it also includes users with questions or problems. Please do your part too.

            Please understand that I am addressing the entire community, not any one individual. Two months ago when George first asked his question, I was largely unaware. It wasn't my job and it wasn't my interest. It wasn't any other user's job or interest either. A classic case of "Anyone could have done it, someone needed to do it, but no one had to do it so it didn't get done". Bottom line, if we don't each take resposibility for it, it won't work.

            Sorry to ramble. Need to get some rest :yawn: for my day job (the one with the salary).

            Best wishes, :komisch12
            Bill Mikkelsen


            • petriburg
              dBpoweramp Enthusiast

              • Apr 2002
              • 172

              Re: .ram to MP3

              :smile2: Well said, Christina and xoas. I'd like to add, here, my opinion of the system. First and foremost, this is free software, and the very best you can install into your system. As has been said above, all the honorary (which means unpaid) staff give freely of their time, and do their utmost to solve people's problems with the software - 95 percent of the time to good effect. (Those times when it doesn't work are usually down to individual computer problems, or incompatibility with other designers' software). Here's another point which I cannot emphasise too strongly: If you post a query on this forum, it's almost certain you'll get a reply/answer with 24 hours, or oftentimes much less. By comparison, and from personal experience, send a tech query to the producers of some very expensive software, and it will, more often than not, take a week to get an answer. Interpret that how you will, but to me, it all adds up to a dedicated public-spiritedness on the part of the "staff".
              As to the usefulness of FAQ and the forum - I can only say that I spend at least a half hour each day scanning the info; one learns much from doing this.
              Last edited by petriburg; June 23, 2004, 10:00 PM.


              • adrian2004

                • Jun 2004
                • 2

                Re: .ram to MP3



                • adrian2004

                  • Jun 2004
                  • 2

                  Re: .ram to MP3

                  i am gettin really :vmad: :vmad: :vmad: about how to dowload mp3 to my phone plz help me


                  • xoas
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Apr 2002
                    • 2662

                    Re: .ram to MP3

                    Please check out the links in Ferris209's reply in this thread:
                    am havin the new LG phone from 3 but i dont how to download an thing on it so can you help me pls

                    Also, please check your cell phone's documentation.
                    Best wishes,
                    Bill Mikkelsen


                    • sboy

                      Re: .ram to MP3

                      sweet!! I love the internet!! you can find anything here FREE!!

                      I was looking and looking for something like this, all I found was free trials that would only convert up to 2 mins. but this works great!!



                      • Unregistered

                        Re: .ram to MP3

                        Originally posted by Unregistered
                        could u tell me the procedure to convert real audio files(.ram/.rm) to MP3s??



                        • ChristinaS
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Apr 2004
                          • 4097

                          Re: .ram to MP3

                          Read these threads:
                          1) - for .rm

                          2) - for .ram

                          3) - for when nothing else works


                          • Unregistered

                            Re: .ram to MP3

                            Originally posted by Unregistered
                            could u tell me the procedure to convert real audio files(.ram/.rm) to MP3s??



                            • Unregistered

                              Re: .ram to MP3

                              Originally posted by Unregistered
                              could u tell me the procedure to convert real audio files(.ram/.rm) to MP3s??



                              • ChristinaS
                                dBpoweramp Guru

                                • Apr 2004
                                • 4097

                                Re: .ram to MP3


