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Reading unicode FLAC tags?

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  • Unregistered

    Reading unicode FLAC tags?

    I have a collection of FLAC files with "Vorbis Comment" tags containing UTF8 unicode international characters.

    I've just installed dMC 11 and FLAC encoder 5. I was hoping this would
    enable me to display correcty these tags, but the UTF8 characters still show up as a pair of junk characters, for example when displayed within Explorer or in the Edit Tag window.

    Is there any simple solution to this?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44824

    Re: Reading unicode FLAC tags?

    What created the flac files? I have run tests (where an mp3 file had unicode kanji chars - in an Ape2 tag), these were converted to flac and it showed the right chars - in the popup. Note that edit tag window is not unicode yet, it will possibly be Release 12 of dMC that allows unicode filenames and unicode tag editing (also in CD Input), the thing holding it back is compatiblity with Windows 9x.


    • Unregistered

      Re: Reading unicode FLAC tags?

      The files were created with "MP3Tag" - I had to use it since your "Tag from Filename" utility apparently scans hypens (separation characters) from right to left, which didn't work well for my set of filenames. MP3Tag scans from left to right.

      Actually the unicode tags are OK in the Edit Tag window, or in the Music Collection - sorry, my mistake. The only place they don't seem to show is in the popup that appears when hovering over a filename in Explorer - I guess this is the issue you were referring to?

      Thanks for you wonderful work!


      • Unregistered

        Re: Reading unicode FLAC tags?

        A slight correction: the flac files were created with Music dMC, but their tags were re-written from filenames using "MP3Tag".


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44824

          Re: Reading unicode FLAC tags?

          I am thinking the tags are not unicode tags, if you have a small flac file (less than 4 mb) you could send it to me and I will look.

