The "Tag from Filename" converter works wonderfully - but seems to lack one option. I am using the filter: [album]\[artist]-[track], and it works fine - except for files whose "track" field contains one or more hypen. It appears as if the program scans the filename from right to left, and splits [artist] from [track] at the first hypen found -> it splits the "track" field in the middle, and creates a "artist" field combinning "artist" and the balance of "track".
My filenames often have hypens in the "track" field, but never in the "artist", so this would work much better if the scanning was from left to right. Any plans to add this option??
My filenames often have hypens in the "track" field, but never in the "artist", so this would work much better if the scanning was from left to right. Any plans to add this option??