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ID tags missing using dBpowerAMP Music Converter

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  • a-dw

    • Jul 2004
    • 1

    ID tags missing using dBpowerAMP Music Converter

    I am new to audio ripping. I am trying to rip audio cd using dBpowerAMP Music Converter onto Win XP pro. The artist, album and tracks names are all missing. Why?
  • Wayne
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Aug 2002
    • 1254

    Re: ID tags missing using dBpowerAMP Music Converter

    A couple of questions:

    1. Does the Audio CD input program display the album/track details when you select tracks for ripping?

    2. Have you selected the option to retain id tag information when converting/ripping tracks?

    Unfortunately I am not a home so am unable to check out the exact details. I suggest that you try reading dMC help documentation.



    • Unregistered

      Re: ID tags missing using dBpowerAMP Music Converter

      I ve just downloaded v10.1 (been using a v10 beta for almost a year wth no problems) and one problem appeared:

      What I usually do with dMC is converting MP3 Files containing ID3 tags to OGG, with the option to retain ID3 tags ON. While v10 beta worked fine, v10.1 extracts the files perfectly while ommiting ID3 tags. What I get is perfect OGG files but without tags (blank fileds)!

      What can I do?? I use Tag&Rename 3 for editing my MP3s tags.



      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44847

        Re: ID tags missing using dBpowerAMP Music Converter

        Try dMC R11 (beta section) also hold the mouse over the mp3 and ogg files, do tags show?


        • Unregistered

          Re: ID tags missing using dBpowerAMP Music Converter

          Well, after a second look I can describe the problem better.

          The problem is that dMC is unable to see greek charactets. I'm greek and the vast majority of my songs are greek titled. In the explorer when I hold the mouse over a greek song dMC tag info pops up but I can't see the ID3 fileds that contain greek chars. Also when I convert a file which contains greek ID3 tags to another type only the fields with numeric or latin characters are passed right. The fields that contain greek chars are blank.

          I had no problem with the beta I've been using but I erased the old setup file by mistake and I can't reeinstal it. Also I dont know where to find the R11 beta version you mention.

          Thnaks a lot!


          • Unregistered

            Re: ID tags missing using dBpowerAMP Music Converter

            I've just found, downloaded and installed dMC v11 b3 in beta forum. An yes, my problem is solved! Now when I convert any file all ID3 fields, greek or latin, are copied perfectly!

            There is only one minor problem:
            In the pop up balloon that appears when i put the mouse on an mp3 file i still can't read greek chars. But this time there are some symbols indicating something like "no greek font", there is a tag but not displyed correctly. The most weird thing is to follow: when i convert the MP3 file to OGG, in the pop up balloon of the OGG file, i can perfectly read greek!

            Thanks for the good work!

            PS. As I read in beta forum about MP3 patents and loyalities, please support open standart formats as OGG! It's awful what the music industry is trying to achieve. And something a liitle bit more off topic: NO SOFTWARE PATENTS IN EUROPE!


            • Unregistered

              Re: ID tags missing using dBpowerAMP Music Converter

              No no no, better desctiption follows:

              In all mp3 files, coverted by dMC or not, i cant read greek correctly in the pop up ballon (weird symbols appear). In ogg files greek chars are displayed ok.

              Note that all tags are ok and appear nice in windows explorer (xp sp1).



              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44847

                Re: ID tags missing using dBpowerAMP Music Converter

                What is your Windows Language set to? (code page?) it should be greek, rather than something else.


                • Unregistered

                  Re: ID tags missing using dBpowerAMP Music Converter

                  It is greek, if it wasn't I would have a lot more problems than that!


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44847

                    Re: ID tags missing using dBpowerAMP Music Converter

                    Please email one such file to:


