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DMC audio cd input will not run

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  • Unregistered

    DMC audio cd input will not run

    I have installed DBpower amp music converter ( & uninstalled & reinstalled) but it will not run. I am using Windows XP yet when I try to run DMC audio cd input i get the windows error report message. WHY??????
    The converter part works!!!!!
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44575

    Re: DMC audio cd input will not run

    Try starting without any audio cd inserted. Does it start?


    • Unregistered

      Re: DMC audio cd input will not run

      I wish he would reply because I'm having the same problem, I will try it with the CD removed when I launch the app, although before I formatted last week, I had dMC installed, and never had 1 single problem.... hmmm...


      • Unregistered

        Re: DMC audio cd input will not run

        Ok, it's me again (reply #3). I just launched dMC Audio Input without a CD, and it still crashed. I think I will give Release 11 Beta 3 a try. I wish I could remember what version I was using before that was rock solid. I believe it was the same version I'm using now - I just don't understand what would have changed since I formatted the HDD and reinstalled XP Pro. Lots of things I supposed but I doubt I will figure it out!!


        • xoas
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Apr 2002
          • 2662

          Re: DMC audio cd input will not run

          Did you reinstall dMC after formatting the HDD and reinstalling XP Pro?
          If not, try that before trying dMC r11 beta (although you might find you prefer the r11 beta). Or maybe you've already tried that angle.
          In any case, keep us posted on how you make out.
          Best wishes,
          Bill Mikkelsen


