how to convert MPG or AVI into MP3
how to convert MPG or AVI into MP3
Re: how to convert MPG or AVI into MP3
Originally posted by kwokwaihow to convert MPG or AVI into MP3
You can also play around with Windows Media Player and use Tools > Copy Music - it might work, but I haven't tried it, since I use options in my video editing programs.
Also check out these threads: and -
Re: how to convert MPG or AVI into MP3
Some various ideas to resolve this problem include trying the dMC r11 beta, trying the mp3PRO codec (which would also involve downloading and installing a version of Thompson mp3PRO player-a link for which is in the Codec Central portion of this site),
and recording the files in wma video format.
You might want to check out the following threads:
everytime i convert an mpg file to mp3, wav or wma the file is always sped up...they sound like chipmunks...any1 know why it is doing that and how to fix it? thanx. -jos
everytime i convert an mpg file to mp3, wav or wma the file is always sped up...they sound like chipmunks...any1 know why it is doing that and how to fix it? thanx. -jos
Let us know what you try and what seems to work for you.
Best wishes,
Bill MikkelsenComment
please help
First of all, I should thanks ChristinaS (dppowerAMP Staff, VIP Member) for telling me the use of window media player(WMP) to copy the music, but maybe, I am a fool of IT, I just can't find the related button.
The problem I encountered was that I don't know how to use WMP to copy music.
Can anyone here tell me about this?