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Getting kicked off of internet when I use CD

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  • ferris209
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Oct 2003
    • 181

    Getting kicked off of internet when I use CD

    I upgraded my computer a couple weeks ago from Windows XP Home to Windows XP Pro and since then I've been having a little bit of a problem. Whenever I try to rip a cd, the computer kicks my dial-up connection. It's not just when ripping either, if I want to play a cd or DVD on either of my two drives, it kicks me from the internet connection. I don't understand it.

    Compaq 5333cl
    Windows XP Pro upgrade
    80 gig Maxtor HDD
    1.8 ghz Pentium 4
    1.2 gig SDRam
    Compaq DVD-Rom SD-M1612
    Phillips CDD4851 CD-R/RW
    Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS Platnium Pro
    Nvidia GEforce2 MX display driver
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: Getting kicked off of internet when I use CD

    There is an 'auto dial' option for CDDB (or freedb server options page), uncheck it.


    • drspy00
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Apr 2004
      • 104

      Re: Getting kicked off of internet when I use CD

      I had the same problem when playing dvds or ripping audio CDs but since I clean formatted my hard drive and did a fresh install it doesnt seem to be happening but I havent been doing much ripping or playing dvds whilst the internet is on.

